Miscellaneous Thoughts on Fandom

Sep 03, 2011 15:27

To those who are unsure of Matt Smith and the Eleventh Doctor:

I say, give Eleven a chance. He’s very different, but he’s still the Doctor. He isn’t Ten, yes, but he’s not suppose to be. Matt Smith had the intimidating task of following one of the most loved Doctors just as Peter Davidson had to deal with Tom Baker’s popularity. Season Five is distinctly different in tone and complexity as far as plot goes (especially with all the River timey-wimey), but embracing change is one of the reasons Doctor Who has lasted for such a long time.

Why aren't Rory and Amy affected by "the miracle"?

Perhaps they’re protected from it by the TARDIS or outside of the “miracle’s” reach as they’re travelling through space and time…

A Luna Lovegood and Tenth Doctor Connection thought:
 Wrackspurts are void stuff. They make your mind go fuzzy. My theories behind this are because both require glasses that look like 3D glasses to see and their appearance is very similar.This makes me think Harry has come into contact with something that has travelled through the void or has himself travelled through the void. And it means I can blame wrackspurts and loneliness for clouding Ten's mind during the time he proclaimed himself Time Lord Victorious.

Someone asked why Snape would be rude to Hermione:

Perhaps Hermione reminded him of Lily? I don’t mean to imply that he was attracted to Hermione, but there are similarities between her and Lily. Lily came from a muggle family, was clever*, compassionate, strong, and stood up for what she believed in. Before her friendship with Severus ended, she stood up for him and later she was counted among those who had defied Voldemort.

Another reason is Snape trusted Dumbledore just as the others did (perhaps not as wholeheartedly and fondly, but it was trust). Dumbledore always suspected Voldemort would return. How strange would it be for Snape to be fair to muggle-borns and then, later return to Voldemort’s side in his already tricky position?

Snape had been a person who was proud of his magical side and ashamed of his non-magical side based on his actions and self-proclaimed name as the half-blood Prince. We don’t know if he ever completely shook off his prejudices and we know he carried his resentment of James and Sirius for years.

I’m not saying any of this justifies his treatment of Hermione, but it’s my take on it.

*Just a side note:We don’t know if she was as clever Hermione in almost everything.

Colonel Potter on M*A*S*H is Harry Potter's maternal grandfather in my head.

"Listen, when you love somebody, you're always in trouble.There's only two things you can do about it:either stop loving'em or love 'em a whole lot more."
--Colonel Sherman Potter, M*A*S*H

I also have a quite a few fanfiction ideas and original story ideas swirling around in my head.

Some for Luna Lovegood, some for Ten and Dumbledore, one for Neville and possibly Doctors 9 through 11. I also need to finish Shards of Crusty Glass. It should not be taking this long for that particular fanfiction.
I've been on a sci-fi/fantasy kick this summer:

Doctor Who- MOFFAT! You and your timey-wimey...
Being Human-Season three finale was a tear-jerker...
Eureka- The time travel plot line was a fantastic decision. I'm also enjoying the astronaut competition plot going on.
Warehouse 13 (I totally spotted Ianto, but at the time I thought I was imagining it...)

I also rewatched Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. I remember watching it in the '90s, but it was a vague happy swirl of memories. I think I'm able to appreciate it's awesomeness much more now. :D
One example of the lovely writers' briliance:

"It’s alway such an embarrassment, having to do away with someone. It’s like announcing to the world that you lack the savvy and the finesse to deal with the problem more creatively. I mean, there have been times, naturally, when I’ve had to have people eliminated, but it always saddened me. I’ve always felt like I’ve let myself down somehow."--Lex Luthor, Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
Thank you, anonymous blogger who unintentionally reminded me of the fact that I still hadn't reviewed this show:http://loisandclarkepisodeguide.blogspot.com/2010/02/season-one-episode-five-requuiem-for.html

This still isn't that review, but it is a reminder to me of all the things I've promised I'd write fandom-wise:
Firefly (need to finish watching)
Dead Like Me (Need to review)
Lois and Clark(still need to review)

I'm definitely thinking about writing them a bit more spread out than my original plan of how I was going to write them out all at once. 

superhero, writing, mattsmith, firefly, deadlikeme, moffat, loisandclark, doctorwho, 11, superman, comics, harry potter, fandom

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