
Dec 21, 2009 22:30

Snagged from
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons. 2. Make a post (including the meme info) and write a drabble about (each of) the icons I chose. 3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts. 4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squeeage. (I'll probably post the icon pictures later-I have to track them down in my now dusty photobucket. Time hath not allow'th much fandom art of late. That's just a bit of Shakespeariana for ya. :D At least that's what the professional actors came to my school for Shakespeare workshops on Fool Characters and  understanding some of the literary devices called made up Shakespear-y language :D. )
1. we -Elizabeth and Will onscreen don't have as many happy moments, but it's lovely to see the actors that played them enjoyed filming. :D 2. hermioneron -While I'm still not sold on this pairing, I do agree that this 2/3 of the trio is fantastic. What would Harry do without them? Plus, this picture was just adorable. 3. james- I consider it a shame that some people saw him as merely a stuffy, white-wigged, officer. He is/was much, much more. And if Davenport ever gets another shot at PotC I hope he's allowed to exercise his lovely comedic skills (if you haven't seen him in Coupling,please do). 4. len cariou sweeney -Len Cariou was the original musical stage Sweeney. I've only seen fuzzy video of his stint on the stage, but the audio I've heard won me over. I prefer his mix of sadness and madness over George Hearn's loud and booming Sweeney. Patti LuPone is lovely in her own right,but Lansbury's Lovett is my favorite stage Lovett. Her crazy Lovett was a wonderful example of embracing a character. If there was a way I could see a mix of Cariou/Lansbury's comedy with the darkness of Depp/Carter's Sweeney that would be the perfect Sweeney Todd production in my eyes. 5. mm-A few years ago before AWE, I had written a fanfiction with Murtogg and Mullroy. In it, they had been shipwrecked on a tiny spit of land and were rescued by Jack. They felt indebted to him and decided to turn pirate until they could repay him. I never thought I'd ever see the duo as pirates on screen.  I wish they had remained Navy to maintain balance, but I did thoroughly enjoy seeing them again. :D 6. potterpuffs -Let's face it, Mrs. Weasley's triumph over Bellatrix was AWEsome. 'Nuff said.
And now for Jack Davenport screencaps I took of him looking Norrington-ish in The Incredible Journey of Mary Bryant.

potc, pirates, fandom

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