Five Question Meme

Nov 21, 2009 15:09

Snagged from melroseee

Leave me a comment saying "You're so beautiful, you could be a waitress" and I will respond by asking you five questions that satisfy my curiosity. Update your journal with the answers to the questions, including this in the post.

1. Favorite potc character?

Drat. You're making me choose...

I PLEAD THE FIFTH,but as a consolation prize...

Villian: Barbossa (CotBP is still my favorite.)
Minor Character Duo: Murtogg and Mullroy (They had their own character arch! Fear pirates, fight pirates, lose confidence in what they were doing, turn pirate!)
Minor Naval Officer: Groves

2. What's your favorite color?
Greeeeeen! :D

3. Best new show this season?
I think it's a tie between Glee and White Collar. Glee amazes me with it's ability to make life a musical and acid-tongued Sue's awesomeness. White Collar is simply making me enjoy USA even more with the perfectly played Detective and Bryce Larkin...erm..charming art thief.

4. What makes you happy?

My family and friends, writing, acting, singing, learning, drawing, roller coasters, silliness, pirate hats, and history.

5. What's first on your christmas list?!

The Tenth Doctor's farewell in "The Ends of Time" Two-parter

If I have to choose an actual object...I'd love a fob watch.
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