Fanfiction Meme and Indiana Jones 4!

May 31, 2008 01:47

I've done this meme before, but it was fun the first time around.

Taken from
The first fifteen people to comment on this post get to request a drabble from you. In return, they have to post this meme in their journal. (Only if you wish it.) Post all fandoms you’re willing to write for.

Fandoms: PotC, Harry Potter,

I've never written for any of these, but I'd be willing to give it a go if anyone's interested:
Moonlight, MASH, Monk, Psych

Indiana Jones 4

Short Version: It's adventurous, fun, and--stop reading it's worth seeing!

The hat, the whip, the jacket, and all the sense of adventure that comes with it returned with this movie for me. Stories are told, relationships unfold, characters are remembered, and we see glimpses of the old. Jones' age is acknowledged in ways that seem natural and the returning characters all seem to have grown too, just as they should. Don't worry, Indiana isn't fighting with canes. There's plenty of gruff and tough--in fact, he seems to be in excellent shape. :D

Shia as a greaser who calls himself Mutt was handled pretty well. Though, I can never get Louis from Even Stevens out of my head when I first see him in movies...

Marion is awesome.

My only complaints are minor:

Special effects wise there were only a few spots that seemed out of place visually compared to the first three. I missed the dotted red line that tracked across the more old fashioned map. There's still a red line, but it's solid and the maps don't look quite so old. The other two spots that stood out had a prairie dog (?) and the other involved monkeys. Spalko's accent bugged me, but Blanchett was perfectly commanding.

Don't read unless you're prepared for SPOILERS

Mutt flicked his knife open--and the KGB flashed their guns. :D Great little moment. Oh, and I liked his attempts at keeping Marion from kissing Indy. The fencing fight on the jeeps was AWEsome. IF he follows in his recently discovered father's footsteps all I ask is that he be his own person in the adventures. It's just like the end scene. I could almost hear Indy say, "Not yet, kid. This hat's mine."

Marion and Jones' interaction was fantastic. Especially in this little exchange after she drove off a cliff, freaked Jones out, and safely landed them in the river:

"Don't ever do that again!"
Marion smirks at his reaction."Yes, dear."

Another one:
"I'm sure there were other women after me."
"Yeah, and they all had the same problem--they weren't you." YAY Indy!

I liked the awkward-ness on Indiana's part during the kiss. :D It made me think of Will.

I didn't really like Ray Winstone's character. He wasn't there much. I can see WHY he was there and why he was needed plot wise,
and his accent reminded me of Gibbs a bit, but still...

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