potc_votes drabbles

May 13, 2008 22:14

For this challenge at

Prompt: Unquenchable
Rating: PG

Hear our cries, great gods! These savages from afar ride on beasts bringing thunder, smoke, and death. We thought they were your brethren with their strange ways and knowledge. Nay, they stain our streets and topple your temples, and all that we have raised in your honor. They snarl for gold, clawing, ripping, with an unquenchable need. They say their hearts suffer from a disease only it can cure. Reveal their affliction to all, strip away their familiar human forms, until they repay what they have stolen-in their own blood- to you.

By blood begun, by blood undone.

Prompt: Invisible

He had had a coin. He’d earned it. Yet, he stepped through the door and-

“Get out you! I won’t have yer kind holdin’ out grimy hands and bothering my paying customers!”

A shove and a whack and the young boy was thrown out on his back. His fingers tightened around the coin as a few familiarly unwelcome faces looked down at him. Jack slowly stood up.

“The little bird’s feathers ruffled?” The tallest figure peered down at him, smirking. “Common like the rest of us…like a, like a sparrow. Poor, small and brown.”

Jack glared at the taller boy, “I’m not like you.”

“That so? I told you she wouldn’t let you buy anything.” The other boys began to circle around him and sing:

Little Jackie’s a sparrow, poor, small and brown!

Won’t anyone let him buy things in town!

Little Jackie, Little Jackie, poor, small and brown

No one wants his dirty face and frown!

Jack stared at their reflections in the shop’s window. If they hadn’t been circling and howling around him they’d all look alike. One pack of ratty looking puppies and no one would be able to tell one from the other. Someone might even mistake him for being one of them. He’d be invisible. I won’t be invisible, they’ll see.

potc_votes, potc fanfiction

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