Happy Thanksgiving/Moonlight/To-do List

Nov 22, 2007 02:24

Happy Turkey Day! Oh, and a very happy unbirthday to the rest of you! ;D

Lots of pictures below cut. Credit, comment, no hotlinking=happy meowbooks

7 Sweeney Todd
1 Hook


I suppose while I'm here I ought to see how my checklist of things to do is doing...
My new to do list in no particular order...


Finish Shards of Crusty Glass

Finish Don't Snatch the Keys! Post it on LJ -This one is about Poochie, Pintel and Ragetti up to the time on Isla de Cruces

Finish Before the Shipwreck post it on LJ- Three Boys, two love apples, they meet Barbossa who can't eat them. This is set before CotBP and is like a prequel to Shipwreck: Murtogg and Mullroy.

Post more of the Overlooked Series on LJ- Mostly short fics from the POV of overlooked characters and objects of the PotC Universe

Organize Tags

PotC Fanfic I'm working on for a friend

Norribeth fic that's been swimming around my head.

NaNoWriMo- This will probably be me working on all of this... Erm. I'm not doing well. I only have 1500+ words and there's a week left. My goal before the end of the month is 5000 and maybe I'll make December my own Writing Month. I'll probably try again next year.

One from a ship's point of view or about a ship One from the Endeavor and Flying Dutchman's point of view

One about the dear ol' Mapmaker

fanart, writing, life, moonlight, fandom

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