Moonlight and Pirates

Nov 21, 2007 18:27

Recently, I've been watching Moonlight on CBS after Ghost Whisperer. It's about Mick St. John, a vampire detective who was turned by his wife on their wedding night. Years later she kidnapped a girl saying they could finally be a family. Mick rescued the girl and killed his wife in fiery fashion knowing she had gone too far. Now, 22 years later fate has thrown Mick and the girl together. She's all grown up now and is a reporter for an internet new site named Buzzwire.

I'm beginning to think one of the Moonlight writers is a PotC fan. Or maybe I obsess too much.:D The reasons why are behind the cut. Note, there are some spoilers for episode eight...

What's the girl's name? Beth Turner.
Who did Beth have a crush on when she was a teen? JOHNNY DEPP!
Who is Beth possibly falling in love with? An immortal "cursed" man. The man has dark hair and has watched her from a far for many years.
He saved her many years ago. He thinks it won't ever work between them because of their circumstances.
What's some source of the attraction? Tall, dark, handsome, and possibly the "vampire" myth. Oh, and at one point he does a neat sword trick that she doesn't see, but she has seen him fight.
How has she helped him? Came up behind a bad guy and took him out before Mick could get seriously hurt.
Who is she forgetting? Her boyfriend who is a DA Attorney or a man of the law. He's very sweet and understanding.
Who are the bad guys? People who are like the man who saved her only they're cursed and don't have the same respect for human life.
What are some bad things about "curse"? They can't taste food or drink and miss that. They stay the same and never change.
What about the Beth what is she like? She doesn't stay behind in the car, she sneakily took documents out of a container and looked at them, she was tempted to know what being a vampire was like, she's gone somewhere incognito.
What else? Moonlight-the title itself. The supernatural, questions about what makes a person "evil",there's a love triangle, a rogue-ish character (Josef) and more things that will come to me as soon as I hit send...

I'm beginning to think one of the Moonlight writers is a a PotC fan. :D

moonlight, fandom, pirates of the caribbean

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