Harry Potter Fic for Gina/Flyingpigs_live

Jan 30, 2012 18:57

by meowbooks

“You know what this means, Ron?”said Harry adjusting his bow-tie in front of the stand up mirror.

“What?”said Ron as he shrugged on his jacket.

“You’re getting another brother,”grinned Harry.He turned around and inspected his dress robes, “What do you think?”

“You look fine,”said Ron glancing at him. “Blimey, another one…How many will I have, then?”

“Um, it’s simple math. I think you can handle it.”

“Right…” said Ron thinking out loud. “Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, You…Six brothers and a sister,”Ron sucked air through his teeth in slight frustration and frowned,”You’ll forgive me if I ever forget to send a Christmas card or something right?”

“I would,” Harry paused. “Ginny would hex you.”

Ron’s eyes widened,”You’ll remind me,then?”

“Of course. Don’t worry about it.Hermione wouldn’t let you forget,”said Harry putting on a top hat.

“Ready to make it official?”said Ron standing up.

“As I’ll ever be,”said Harry.They headed towards the door. Ron reached for the doorknob, but stopped and faced Harry.

“You mess this up and I’ll have to fulfill my brotherly obligations to Ginny and I’ll kick your teeth in.”

“That’s…violent,”said Harry arching a brow.

“Hey, I won’t want to do it, but I don’t think Charlie, Bill, Percy, and George will let you off easy. I’m warning you as your best mate-”

“Don’t muck it up. Got it,”nodded Harry.

“Oh, and Lee will have something to say about it, too,”said Ron pulling the door open. Harry yanked Ron back into the room.

“Hang on, what’s Lee Jordan got to do with this?”

“On account of Fred being upstairs…”

“Right, so if I mess up and you all do me in... I’ll have to worry about him kicking my arse in the afterlife.”

“Yeah! That’s right, you will,”said Ron.

“If I back out of this-I’m telling Ginny it’s all your fault,”said Harry shaking his head and striding through the door.

“Hey!”said Ron trotting after him.”I was just WARNING you!”

lee jordan, fanfiction, ron weasley, harry potter, fandom, hp fanfiction

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