My Destiny!

Sep 15, 2008 15:58

Okay, lol. Went through my drawers today to remove all things embarrassing and lock them in a box, and bwhahaha I found the funniest note ever :D! I must have written it in 8th or 9th grade, and just... omg I can't believe how weird I was back then *tears from laughing*.

The headline reads "My Destiny" in very crappy handwriting, and it starts quite innocently with predicting my future grades and what I'm going to study in high school. After school I'm apparently going to save animals in Sweden for a while, and then move to Beverly Hills. Then it degenerates completely.

I will, of course, meet Elijah Wood down in Beverly Hills, and he's going to be so impressed with my work that we're gong to hook up, and then we are going to get married and have children. We are going to have one boy and one girl, the boy's name will be Elijah junior Hampus Tiger Frodo Sam, and the girl's name is going to be Galadriel Maria Elanor (because naming the children after LOTR characters will surely delight my dear husband.) Then we are going to be billionaires, because apparently he isn't already, and then we are going to move to Sweden again. While in Sweden I'm going to write a book and win the Nobel price in litterature, easy as pie. Then I'm going to live in Skåne where I will help to save the codfish and the wolves, because we all know that the best place to save wolves is in the south of Sweden where there isn't a tree in sight. When the kids are all grown up we're going back to Beverly Hills where we are going to live for the rest of our lives. Then me and Elijah are going to meet in some spiritual plane, and then we will be reborn and try to find each other in the next life. The End.

O_o! Excuse me, I just have to die for a second. bwaahahahahhahahahahhahaaaaaaaaaa xDDDDDDD! How can that have been ME writing that :D? omg it scares the bejeepers out of me xDD! bwahahaa, I'm so lucky I decided to clean out my drawers! I'll have to burn all of my writing-pads also, sweet santa, I used everything as a diary back then, napkins, schoolbooks, even the bedside table and the wallpapers! It's not so strange that I freak out whenever someone comes near my room, lol D:!
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