(no subject)

Sep 14, 2008 02:14

um, very drunk right now pleease ignore me. ANYWHO: just had going-away party with my friends, was very fun but time seemed to go much faster that humanly possible. probably the booze's fault. damn you, rasberry vodka! we talked and played ridiculous boradgames whule laughing like mad. I'ts weirdhow I was kinda upset with them before but now I'm like omgi'mgonnamiss youuuu! vodka, stop screwing with my brain. am I even making any sense? wolrd stop spinning please D:?! I'm gonna meet N again I'm sure before I go, she had hert new sweater on that she bought in Gothenburg when we were there, it's really nice. C said that 20 kg is like nothing so I will have to travel withouy pants and omg this position is killong my neck outch.
 uh whut=? I'm oing to sleep now because sleep is good an I will totally facepalm at this entry tomorrow because it's so pointless and fail and glurgh I have dog-hair on my pants beause I crawled around on the floor and now I have the hickups >.>! must drink water freaking stuopid Oh I got rid of it. RIGHT sleep it was! no I'm not drunk just a little D:!
LATURZZZ *throws self on bed* :D!
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