Conversations with my nearly-15-month old

Jan 04, 2010 10:44

LB: [vigorously doing babysign sign for 'breastmilk'] Gin! Gin! (Alas, this has a soft 'g' and there's a suspicion of a 'k' at the end (I think he's trying to say 'drink'), but it amuses me to imagine he's demanding gin. Mother's ruin, mother's milk, almost the same thing).
Me: [picking him up, and laying him across my lap, unclipping bra thingumy] Okay, just a moment.
LB: [catching sight of the christmas tree behind him, arching his body backwards, pointing, and doing the actions from 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star'] Tree!
Me: Yes. Christmas Tree. Lights, star, baubles!
LB: [Still pointing and reaching] Ight! (Light)
Me: [Conclude that he's got distracted by the tree, clip bra thingumy up again]
LB: [Notices, wails, signs 'breastmilk'] Gin! Gin!
Me: Okay, okay [unclip bra thingumy]
LB: [Lays back to latch on, catches sight of christmas tree, arches body backwards, points while doing 'Twinkle, Twinkle' actions] Tree! Tree!
Me: Yes, yes, distracto-boy, it's the christmas tree again. Do you want this milk or not?
LB: Tree! Ight! [another word that might, to the ear of faith, be 'bauble']
Me: I'll take that as a 'no' then. [Reclip bra thingumy]
LB: [Notices, wails, signs 'breastmilk'] Gin! Gin!
Me: Oh for heaven's sake, LB, make up your mind [unclip bra thingumy]
LB: [Lays back to latch on, catches sight of christmas tree, arches body backwards, points while doing 'Twinkle, Twinkle' actions] Tree! Tree!

As I believe I remarked before (in one of my earliest LJ entries which, annoyingly, I can't find due to Failing at Navigating LJ) breastfeeding toddlers is lovely, but it's very annoying too.

breastfeeding, toddlers, words

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