Because I have such acres of spare time, and particularly need to spend more of that time at the computer.
Well, I'd rather know about fantastic stuff and not have time to read it than not know it exists at all.
I don't subscribe to much at the moment - a few friends-and-relations, some originally-infertility-now,-happily,-parenting-post-infertility blogs,
xxxlibris 's recent recommendations, sue george, broken rainbow, xkcd even though I only get about half the jokes, that sort of thing.
Stuff I particularly want to read more about:
- sex and sexuality, oddly enough
- 'race' and ethnicity
- class
- disability
- age and ageing
- alternative parenting
- domestic architecture
- interesting blogs on gardening? Don't know if these exist - not reports of what people sowed today, but social meanings of gardening/history/politics type stuff
- Likewise for food and cooking
- academia
- non-US takes on any of these particularly welcome
- or anything else you think I might be interested in
It goes without saying (but I appear to be saying it anyway) that they should be fantastically well-written. And not post too often so I don't feel overwhelmed (I've gone off Bitch PhD, partly because she got in other bloggers whom I don't like as much, but partly because there's new stuff the whole time and I can't keep up).
Any suggestions? Your desert-island (with internet access) top three?