In case it's useful

May 13, 2009 13:34

Still far from perfect...

Gender - usually used to denote differences between the sexes that are thought to be socially constructed rather than biological

Gender community - people taking a flexible approach to their sex or gender and transsexuals

Gender dysphoria - distress caused by a conflict between your gender identity and the sex you were assigned at birth

Heteronormativity - the privileging and naturalising of dominant versions of heterosexuality

Intersex - a person whose body is ambiguous with regard to sex

Polyamory - having more than one loving and/or sexual relationship at one time, with the knowledge and consent of all those involved

Queer - a term that has been ‘reclaimed’ from earlier discriminatory usage, it is used by the many different groups and individuals adversely affected by heteronormativity as a self-identifying description, but is still considered offensive by some

Sex - usually used to denote male/female as defined by bodies, particularly the genitals and secondary sexual characteristics

Trans - inclusive term for wider transsexual, transgender, and sometimes also transvestite, community

Transgender - person with a non-traditional view of their sexual or gender identity

Transsexual - person who has moved or is moving from one sex/gender category to another

discourse, queer, words

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