LB eats!

Apr 20, 2009 13:16

LB definitely just consumed some fromage frais. I loaded each spoonful and he grabbed the handle and put the business end in his mouth. Most of it went down his front in a sea of dribble, some of it went round his neck, on his head, under his chin, all over his fists etc. in traditional weaning child fashion, but I reckon a teaspoon or two went down his throat. He might have eaten more but I didn't want to overdo it, especially as feeling slightly guilty because it's shop bought stuff, not lovingly home-prepared food.

I surprised at how pleased and excited and slightly weepy I am. I'm in no hurry for him to get on to solids, and plan to carry on bfing for ages yet. But it seems such a significant  lifestage to have reached.  Food, the growing, acquisition, planning and preparation of it, is such an important part of my thoughts and an everyday pleasure. It's lovely to think of all that richness of sensory, mental and emotional pleasure ahead of him. And I had no idea he could wield a spoon so purposefully and it's always fantastic when your children surprise you with what they can do.

ETA: It also seems worth noting that I will never again (I think. I hope. I think I hope) be the sole source of somebody's sustenance. It hasn't felt like a burdensome or anxiety-inducing responsibility this time, because (with a few blistered exceptions) it's been so easy. And it hasn't felt as much of a tie to have a baby who will only breastfeed. Perhaps partly because I'm more used to feeling less free and partly because he has always happily gone 3 or more hours between feeds and being away for 3 hours lets you do a lot more things than only being able to be away for 2. But it still seems noteworthy to see the beginning of the end of always having to be no more than a very few hours away from him.

babies, breastfeeding

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