LB food log: Wednesday

Nov 09, 2011 21:16


rice crispies with milk
bowlful of plain yoghurt with a couple of teaspoons of crab apple jam 
To my great surprise, he got over his initial meltdown that the yoghurt wasn't in little pots with a lid but came from a big pot (also with a lid, but clearly not the right sort of lid). I don't know whether that was because he was persuaded by my explanation that it's much cheaper in big pots or because his desire for yoghurt overcame his preference for it to be in a little pot with a lid. Also thought that I should totally overcome my feeling that yoghurt is luxury expensive food. I mean, it's not essential but it's really not expensive (even in little pots with lids. Although I also don't like those because of the gunk they put in many brands and the over-packaging). He and PB both loved the yoghurt and jam and it's a really good addition to (non-vegan, obv) young children diets so I will endeavour to mentally recategorise it.

At nursery:


Quorn nuggets (like chicken nuggets for vegetarians), broccoli and roast potatoes
He'll often eat broccoli at home, but we've tried both the others, to no avail.
Fruit salad 'with cherries in'
Wonder whether that was that dreadful tinned fruit salad you got in the 70s that had glace-type cherries in? Possibly, since the chef at nursery is away this week - the food is usually more proper cooking than this. 
Apparently he refused the optional sliced banana to go with the fruit salad, despite having had banana at snack time (and I'd have said he really liked banana). More grist to the theory that it's not about what food he likes but about what food he wants to eat at a particular time. Will have a think about ways to increase his control of what we have at meal times. Tricky, given that PB also has strong feeling (as, indeed, do I and D). And particularly tricky as LB is not good at suggesting things - he wants you to suggest things which he then rejects (this is also true for songs I sing him at bedtime, stories, pajama trousers. It really winds me up.)

Baked beans and bread.

At home for tea:
Few egg noodles
3 or 4 gnocci with pesto
4 or 5 toasted seeds (sunflower and pumpkin)
1/2 of a chocolate cake (made by PB at his new after school Baking Club! How cool is that. And he absolutely loves it. And, by extending LB's day at nursery for the period PB is at Baking Club, D and I get enough time at work to actually have 30 minute lunch breaks a couple of days a week, or to knock off before 5.45 on our long days. And we all get to eat whatever PB makes for tea. Win all round.)
Truly, he is my son - he's really not that keen on chocolate. Actually, I do like chocolate these days, but until I was writing up my PhD (aged 31) I could take it or leave it and mostly left it. I'm normal now. But clearly LB isn't.
Few mouthfuls of milk to drink

Another good nutrition day. Nursery days are nearly always good nutrition days.

children, parenting, food

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