(no subject)

Nov 29, 2014 11:24

I passed my EMT Class! What this means is only that I'm allowed to take the national certification exams (practical and cognitive). But once I pass those I'll be certified as an EMT-Basic. (I would still need to get a license for practicing in Mass., but this involves paying the State a large sum of money to look at a xerox of my national certification card and send me back a state card.)

Thanksgiving was largely uneventful. I worked, because I was asked, it's not a trek (I work just down the street), and I get time-and-a-half. Yesterday my mom slipped getting out of bed and injured her hip, so we had to call 911. I chatted with the firefighters, two of whom I recognized from taking vitals over at Station 3, and the EMTs burrito'd my mom for a transport to the hospital. She's still there today, getting MRI'd and x-rayed to make sure it's not a fracture, they don't think it is but they want to be absolutely sure.

I think my class has ruined me, because my dad was like "mom fell and hurt her hip, so we're going to call 911 in a little bit" and I'm just like oh, okay, mom do you need your hat and gloves? And chat with the firefighters. Either the class or all the times EMS/Fire has tromped through our house in the past two years.

Work is going well. We changed to a new pricing structure and there has been some grumbling from current and prospective members, but we've settled into a routine. There have been a few new kids coming by to the playroom, which keeps me busy. I get paid, I save some, I spend some. Much of it for a while went to EMT class, and will go toward testing fees and the state license fee.

I am hoping when my money stops going toward EMT, I can save up for a new goalie mask. Goalie has also been going well, but over the past few weeks I've taken far too many shots off my neck and jaw (ball hockey, not puck hockey, so painful but not hazardous) because my mask is fundamentally too small for me - it just barely fits. I got a dangler for it, which hopefully will serve as a temporary fix until I can buy a new mask, which will probably run be somewhere between $200 - $400 US.

The NREMT practical exam is on the 7th of December, which means I get a weekend to relax before commencing to panic. We have practice days on the 1st and 2nd, and one on the 5th in Quincy, but getting from where I live to Quincy on a Friday afternoon is not practical.

(as a side note: I am entertained that my friendslist right now is mostly the alternating entries of two fandom friends from Finland who don't actually know each other, which means I'm almost getting more about the news from Finland on LJ than the news from the US on Tumblr.)
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