Apr 14, 2007 22:24

God I haven't really written anything for ages... I've been missing the poetry so much over the last few months & I've tried to get back into the swing of it. This time I just decided to go for it & write whatever came out & This materialized...
I'd say it's a bit rusty as I'm out of top form but It's a start. I quite like it... I don't think it will make much sense to anyone, But it is actually a pretty personal piece to me :)


A brutal slap of realization strikes swiftly…

& Skin that aches with desire bruises most delicately.

Blues & purples settle to stay, as all these broken capillaries bloom like divine flowers.Their sheer beauty insane.

Your finger tips; White hot. They leave lines all over. Tracing out intricate maps on my twitching flesh, marking everywhere that yu’ve been…

Touch tasting everything that yu’ve seen.

Devouring me in a cannibal lust & burning holes where yu linger in your favorite spots….Just a little too long.

Just a little to long.

Discomfort sets in & I push yu away…

…& I hide my face from yu…

…& I close my eyes to this…

…& I count to 10…

…& I seek that feeling…

& I wonder…

Just where it is that yu have hidden?

(c) Dominick Destruction 14/04/07

I did manage to finish my room spring clean today which is good. I feel pretty positive now it's all been de-junked. It really is amazing what an effect it can have on your mental state just sorting through all your physical rubbish...I think it allows yu to then work on the mental junk aswell. I also got some art done. wooo! I've finished My 'Road Kill 2' pic & 'Road Kill 3' is getting there ^_^ I also made some cute 'lil kitsch deer things out of fimo clay. I think I'll make them into necklaces or something..
I'll post pics of the art later as I need to go pic Kev up now.



poetry, art

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