tithenai posted about the webcomic
Digger by Ursula Vernon, and I was interested by what she had to say, so I clicked over and began to read. And I was hooked. It's a good thing it was the weekend, because I mainlined the entire thing today and yesterday. Digger was amazing and wonderful, and little painful. There were hard conversations and these moments where I just laughed and laughed. It is beautifully illustrated and I loved all of the characters. They are wonderful and complex and not at all one sided.
And now, of course, I am sad that it is over, but very glad that someone pointed me towards it, because otherwise I never would have gotten to read it. Perhaps I should have read it slower. I can go back and read it again. And savor it, because it needs thinking about. And I want a Digger icon. I may have to make one.