Jun 22, 2021 14:25
This past Christmas-time I sent anonymous cards to a few people whose decorations always cheered me on my commute to and from work. I wanted them to know that their efforts were appreciated. Now, on my recent walks in the surrounding neighborhoods, I've seen lawn signs announcing that a 2021 graduate from the local high school (where I also went) lives there. I thought, it was fun to send the cards at Christmas, so why not now? So I covertly wrote down the addresses, bought a bunch of cards, and am in the process of writing a little encouraging note in each one. They're signed "A Long-Ago Graduate". As with the holiday cards, I'll never know if it made any impact on them, or if they just thought some weirdo had nothing better to do. But I hope it will at least bring a brief smile to their faces, and it is a pleasant amusement for me.