Happy Guy Fawkes Day Britain! Do you say that? Oh well, stay safe.
I'm pondering buying some books by Noam Chomsky but I think his books will piss me off so I am not sure. I wanted to DL them for/from iBooks but they have nothing he wrote. Stupid iTunes.
I took the
The Political Compass test and was really surprised at where I placed on the graph. Some of the questions are tricky.
World Audit Very cool that the countries I most like NZ, Finland, Australia & Ireland are all in the top ten with us. See, I knew I should have moved to NZ. Oh lottery win where are you?
I donated to United Way this year for the first time ( I didn't know they were non religious) are two outreach programmes for kids. One attached to work offers after school programmes and homework help for about 30 kids and the other provides opportunities for disadvantaged youth to succeed and safe places for them to be. It was so hard making a choice though, I knew I wanted to support the one from work but every group needs money nowadays. I am second guessing my choices, oh well it's done now. Payroll deduction makes it so easy. I think I will have to drop a few of the things I support though (and boy does that make me feel cheap) and work on my debts this year coming.
TIP: If you buy CDs with swearing make sure you get the non-edited versions otherwise you have to suffer with a CD that sounds like a record skipping. Very annoying.