I'm of two minds about the recent
announcement from the Writers of the Future Contest that they are seeing fewer entries featuring vampires and/or shape shifters. On the one hand, the genre was glutted and some of the stories were obviously written very hastily (and poorly) in order to capitalize on a popular trend. On the other hand, I love a good monster/paranormal story. If the move away from writing about vampires and shape shifters eliminates so of the truly horrible tales unleashed on the world in recent years while still allowing the good stuff to feed the niche audience, I'm all for it. I suspect, however that some of the good stuff will get ignored, may be even thrown out, alongside the bad. Personally, I don't think there is ever such a thing as too much good vampire or shape shifter fiction. Good being the operative word, of course. So I'm challenging all you readers of the Preternatural Post, bloggers and Twitter RPers to tell me a story about vampires or shifters before the end of February 2011. Keep it short (500 words or less) and sweet in any genre, as long as it includes a vampire and/or a shape shifter. It doesn't have to be Harris/TB-verse either. Submit your entire story (>500 words) or a link back to your blog/journal/web site as reply or comment on this entry by 11:59 p.m. CST on Feb. 28, 2011. Prizes include Twitter pimping/promotion of the winning writer and publication of the winning story in the Preternatural Post (PreternaturalPost.wordpress.com). Winners will be announced Friday, March 4, 2011.