Welcome to the Preternatural Post Editorial Desk

Feb 17, 2011 07:27

One of the things they teach you in journalism school is that everyone has an opinion but that good journalists don't express them. I firmly believe that facts should and do speak for themselves. However, I also think opinions can be valuable and interesting as long as they aren't put forth as facts. My intent in creating the Preternatural Post Editorial Desk Journal is to give myself and readers/followers of the Preternatural Post a place to exchange opinions and engage in more in depth conversations that we do on Twitter.

This is NOT the personal journal of the RP Mena. That you can find at The Willful Suspension of Disbelief. This is the other side of that coin. Here you will find the real life facets of Mena, the comic con volunteer, virtual actor and writer. This is my space to record and contemplate my adventures as a fictional character in the real world and an increasingly real person in a fictional world. I hope you enjoy it.
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