Tattoos and Influence

Aug 13, 2009 22:53

So there was a lot of talk about Tattoos on Twitter today which got me thinking about the sort of tattoo I would like when I move out. I've always wanted a tattoo, but my step-father abhors them, and would not mind kicking me out over something as simple as a tattoo you can't even see. People always tell me they want a tattoo that has some how influenced their life, and I'm no different. But the thing is, that so many things have influenced me greatly.  
Books, for example have always been my friend. I was a reader before I even left the womb. My mom and dad read to me so often as a baby i'm surprised I couldn't recite some of the books from memory as soon as I was popped out. Needless to say, I've always been a reader. The obvious choice of a tattoo for me is something out of a book. I've had several books that i've loved, but two series have influenced me the most.

The first book series that ever truly influenced me was Chronicles of Narnia. Ever since I read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe as a young child I've been entrenched in a fantasy world. (I was one of those kids who stuck their head in closets just to see if there was a forest full of snow. It was my biggest wish to visit Narnia)  Even as I grew older and wiser, I always went back to Narnia and explored the endless possibilities of that world in my mind. Of course, Narnia does not exactly present itself in a tattoo. I could get Aslan plastered on my shoulder, but even though he is the physical embodiment of Narnia, he could easily be mistaken for a simple lion. (HOW?) But why explain a book with an image? Why not words? Which has led me thinking of a simple quote to put upon my body from my favorite book of all time. But then, which quote, because there are quite a few that i've always loved, but one quote for some reason, has always stuck out at me, like no other from the series has.

Once a King or Queen of Narnia, Always a King or Queen of Narnia. May your wisdom grace us until the stars reign down from the heavens.

Its a simple quote, and as I'm not a Queen of Narnia it can't really apply to me, but it does at the same time. Any one who has read those books and tried to apply the life lessons learned from those books is a true King or Queen of Narnia, and as such, it does apply to me. I would really love to have this quote somewhere on me, to remind myself of the lessons learned from the book, and to always be the best that I can be, to aspire to become a true Queen of Narnia

The second book series that influenced me was one that wasn't nearly as accessible as the Chronicles of Narnia because it was still being written as I read it. Harry Potter and his adventures have made me cry, both tears of joy and saddness and laugh. These books helped me through a tough time and will always be welcome in my heart. Even the ones from the series that I dislike, because what is life without things you dislike? The first book was given to me by an aunt, my favorite aunt, because she found something in that book and she thought I would too. I could go on and on about how this book has influenced me, but there would be too much to talk about. The tattoo from this book would be a bit simpler, because there are many symbols introduced through these books. But therein lies the problem. I could get a lightening bolt, akin to Harry's scar. A tattoo of a snake and skull, akin to the Death Eaters own tattoo. I could get a snitch, or a broomstick, or a wand with sparks, pretty much anything can relate to this book. However, none of those symbols impacted the series quite as much as the sigh for the Deathly Hallows. Its very simple, a triangle for the invisibility cloak, a circle inside the triangle representing the stone of resurrection and a line cutting the two in half, representing the Elder wand. This simple sign influenced Voldemort and Dumbledore, both of whom influenced Harry. This sign, I believe, represents the series as a whole, which is why I would like to get a tattoo of the Deathly Hallows symbol.

There are a few other tattoo ideas I have, like a music note right behind my ear, due to the fact that music is a HUGE, HUGE part of my life, a small ram, because my grandmother was an aeries and was one of the most influential people of my life.

This post turned out more like a what influenced me the most as a child post, rather than a tattoo post like I intended it to be. XD

Would you get a tattoo? And if so what sort and why?
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