Lesson started

Mar 11, 2013 16:34

   What a 2 moths this has been. Over New Year I decided to move forward with the remodel of the kitchen, Our refrigerator had broken. It was an older refrigerator and we decided to buy a new one. Off we went to Sears and found just a right one.  Hubby has a difficult time making any changes in life, and so I didn't tell him of my hidden plans.  I knew that the new refrigerator was a little too big for the spot where it was to go.  For me this was no problem.  K didn't even think about it. So, as the time to the delivery came closer, I slowly started mentioning the fact that I would have to rip out the cabinets. These cabinets are 49 years old. I was all ready for an argument, However, that didn't come. A little "I don't understand why we have to do that" was really the most that came my way.
     On went my plan. I found cabinets that I liked, used and affordable. I bought used ones at 1/4 of the price of new ones. Nearly perfect condition.  The only comment I heard: "As for me, I don't mind the ones we have."  When I tore out a wall:  "As for me, I don't understand why the wall bothers you." No more.  Dang!  This is almost too easy.
     Then I started noticing some boils on my body. Some very deep and big, some smaller. At first, I didn't think much of it. After all, I had had boils as a child. I was probably a little low on some vitamins. But it spread and hurt more and more. AND K told me that he's been having the same issue for a little while, too.  That scared me. I started thinking that MRSA might be a possibility. So we went in and had ourselves tested. He was tested a week before me and was negative for MRSA. But he did have staph aureus. Good grief!  But I was worried a little less.  Mine didn't go away and spread more.
     I had scheduled a public ritual. I work in a doctor's office. I am around people I deeply care for.  I had to know, so I went in and luckily there was a lesion that was testable.  3 days later, the results came back: MRSA. I couldn't go to work. I couldn't partake in the ritual.  Friends were afraid to touch that which I've touched (rightfully so). I became a social pariah.  And while I understood that it had to be that way, it still felt terrible on my end.
     At home, I went on a rampage. Everything was wiped down with either bleach, or Lysol or Isoprophyl Alcohol. I washed 3-4 loads of laundry a day. By the time I was done with all the extra work, there was no time or energy left to work on the kitchen remodeling.  Over Valentine's we went to New Orleans as previously planned. The doctor had said that I could travel as long as I  observed hygiene rules. I was very afraid to be out in public too much. While in New Orleans, things became more resolved and I was now able to start the final decolonization regime. All of this was a perfect excuse to not go out too much among the public. Instead, we went walking around the Garden District quite a bit and I got to explore a bit. Our hotel was in the Garden District. How wonderful and how perfect. K was happy to tag along. He really didn't want to spend all the money it costs to go into each attraction, such as museums and tours. This stuff is expensive. And he was very mollified when we found a set of 3 catholic churches, which he loved and I photographed.
    When we returned to the Bay Area, I called my boss to see if I could come back to work. She said she wanted t see a nasal culture to make sure the MRSA was gone. I called Kaiser and the doctor told me that it wasn't something that was definitive and so Kaiser wouldn't do it.  I was upset. 10 minutes later she calls back and tells me that after looking over the test results once more with an infectious disease specialist, they came to the conclusion that there was NO  MRSA in me, but rather staph aureus.   I cried and cried when I heard the news. I felt all kinds of feelings. Sadness, anger, relief, etc, Now I would be able to go back to work.
    It's been a couple of weeks now since then. I'm still struggling with the fear that came along with the MRSA scare. I'm still using disinfectants much more than I was before.  I am still carrying alcohol pads with me and wipe my hands down, when I touch some public surface. I want this fear gone. I want to feel safe again.

Other than that, I'm peachy, actually.

kitchen, mrsa, "new orleans, remodeling, walking

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