Nov 29, 2007 16:47
If working out is important to you, I have the following thing to say.
Never, ever ever ever ever ever quit or take a break from it or go a long period of time without it because you cannot find the time. You will regret it when you finally do have the time, or decide the break is done with or you feel like getting back into it.
This entire semester I have not had the time to lift weights, but the fact of the matter is, I have had the time... thought it was a small amount it would have been enough. I now have finally gotton back into it since I am not being bombarded with assignments, homework, and exams (this is the small grace period at the end of the semester before finals really start). I worked out all this week with the exception of yesterday and it wasnt bad when I did arms and legs, but today I did chest and wow.. that was something I prided myself in only because thats what felt the best to work. It felt really good to me to work my chest, which is why it was my favorite. Not like most people whos favorite workout is the chest, because they are super strong in it or they are trying to jump on the bandwagon. I like it cuz it feels great.But today, it felt ok. And it only felt ok because my secondary muscles were shot to fuck trying to lift the weight, so in turn, my chest wasnt getting its full potential worked because of the secondary muscles giving out too early. Sucked.