
Jan 03, 2020 09:06

It has been (almost) 1 year since I wrote the (friends only) post on how I used to fangirl so much over arashi (like 10 years ago) and that I lost touch with them and found out that their 5x20 tour ended (before they announced the additional concerts).

And also (almost) 1 year has passed since their hiatus announcement. Like what I've read on LJ, I took them for granted for the past few years and thought that they will be around forever (and thus didnt follow them as much, gave up my chances to attend their concerts).

It was a miracle that I actually decided to join their fanclub after they announced the additional concerts (I think I wanted to have a try on balloting the tix, since it was really a lot of additional concerts and I thought the chances might be higher...) and also miraculously, I officially (re-)joined the fanclub on 26 Jan 2019 (I used to have fc membership when during my Japan exchange 09-10 and continued for a few more years, may be until Beautiful world?). Who would have ever imagine that they would announce their hiatus on 27 Jan 2019. Just 1 day after I joined their FC.

I wonder what I was thinking when I got to know their hiatus. Like I didnt pen down my thoughts anywhere.. and how did I find out about it? From a friend? I cant remember. Everything is so fuzzy. Oh well, but coming back to LJ, I do hope that I can write down all these key moments of my arashi fangirl portion of my life.

2019 has been a year of getting back into the arashi fandom and falling in love with the 5 of them (again).

Quite a crazy year for the arashi fandom and I do foresee that 2020 would be crazier. But, like what arashi has been requesting their fans, I'll keep up with their pace and follow them till 31 Dec 2020!

On other (arashi) stuff, I re-watched a few episodes of mago mago arashi and man, how I missed that show! I mean, AniS, VSA are awesome (sorry, I dont really watch ninosan, TSD, Aiba Manabu and ASY), but what can compare to Arashi and outside studio shoots and elderly and children and castletowns?! (although my bias would be arashi x the elderly couples). They were in their mid-twenties when mago mago aired and they were not that popular at that time. The effort that they put in to surprise and please their 'grandparents' were just pure love.

2 photos of the episodes I watched yesterday ( I think I watched 1 more ep, but didnt screenscap it).

I think one unfortunate thing would be the lack of subbed (English) videos for non Japanese speakers. I mean, who wouldnt love arashi after watching all these heartwarming episodes of MMA?

Back to work! 今日も一日頑張ります!

mago mago arashi, arashi

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