Thanks to
wendelah1 I've signed up for two friending memes and have already added lots of interesting people. *waves at you all* I'll do a proper introduction post at some point, probably this weekend when I'm not shattered after a day at work.
LJ Is Alive!A Multifandom LiveJournal Friending Meme
Tumblr is great, but my fandom heart is in LJ.
the shortest friending meme to ever friend-meme Also, the porn battle is now live and will run until 30th January. Prompts can be found here: and entries are going up here: I'm definitely planning on writing something for The X-Files before it ends.
The other two comms that you should check out are
14valentines and
Half a Moon is a fourteen day challenge which celebrates female characters in fandom. It runs from February 1 through to Valentine's Day. Fanfiction, vids, recs, art, picspam, icons, meta, fanmixes, and outside links to content fitting the theme of this community are all welcome - the only rule is that the primary focus must be on a female character or characters.
14 Valentines was a concept/project pioneered by rageprufrock in 2006, based on the idea of fandom as a community composed of women and their allies and the power of the relationships there. It's meant to raise awareness of, and hopefully as a result increase participation in, organisations devoted to women's causes. 14 Valentines also runs for the first two weeks of February.
I've contributed to both of these before and they're great to be involved in.