As per usual, I will be mostly decamping to my
NaNo blog for the duration of the festivities; not much to see yet, but you can snag the RSS
here if you are so inclined. I will once again be updating the actual novel as it becomes available--sections, chapters, I'm not sure how it's going to shake out yet--behind a password. This year it will be
like the vitamin, for reasons that will become apparent in time. :) This year's idea started out as an erotic thriller; it has metamorphasized into a really sick black comedy about the falsity of the music industry and the pitfalls of passive-aggressive, "nice guy" bullshit. Only one or two of the characters are slated to die; am I getting soft in my old age? We'll see!
If anyone else is keeping a NaNo blog I will, as always, be happy to get the link circlejerk going. Regardless, I wish the best of success to all of you out there who are participating; whether you finish or not, it's bound to be a fun ride.
Deus vult!