Feb 02, 2007 15:11
To all of those who are in the community Ana_Mia, I don't have any words. It's a community for those who are plagued by anorexia and bulimia where they can talk about their weight and their dispairs, and goals and what not. And first of all, let me just put this out, that on a certain level, I can respect it, because I know it's a disease and they can't help themselves for the most part, but on a another level, I just want to go in there and post on everyone's journal that HEY! Look at me. I am 5'9" over 200 pounds and I'm HAPPY!! I don't think I look terrible. Sure I could lose some weight for my own health, but I'm happy with myself! I don't care what other people think of me. I don't spend hours obsessing over what I eat and how I look, and for that I don't feel like I'm in a self-made prison. I am SO very grateful for the high self-esteem that I have and a good sense of self image. But I wish these girls would wake up!! They are skeletal and gross looking. Bones sticking out is not attractive. And for the most part, come on people, strangers don't for the most part give a damn about what you look like. Usually people walk down the street and they're thinking more about their own problems, like what am I going to eat for dinner, man I wish I had more money, things like that. NOT oh wow, there goes a fatty, oh, there's another one, oh look, she has just a little meat on her bones, that must mean she's fat too. It's totally unrealistic. And I know I know I know, that these people have low self-esteem and bad body image, and need a sense of control, but I just want them to realize the truth. That they are torturing themselves for no apparently good reason and they are beating themselves up for what reason? That the rest of us can look at them and say, wow, you look thin, good job! There's more to life than that. Much more. Jesus Christ people.