Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Sep 25, 2007 11:01

Columbia created a media circus and ended up making academia/New Yorkers/Americans seem like we're the ones who have a problem with free speech, not Iranians. Which of course was exactly what Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was hoping to accomplish in the first place by wanting to speak there.

Believing that Charlie Rose would fare better, I just finished watching interview with the President conducted at his hotel room yesterday morning before the Columbia fiasco occured. It was an endless hour of Ahmadinejad playing avoid-the-question, and the the two men just went in circles. Charlie chased, Mahmoud ran. Every answer was a non-answer, as the President smiled this fakeo creepy shit-eating grin the whole time. Totally weird.

I give Mr. Rose credit for acting with civility, patience, and generosity. He is a class act. Moreover, by allowing the President to speak freely without interruption, he enabled Greasy Smile to show us how uncooperative and evasive he really is. So instead of looking like a victim, he showed his true colors.

On a lighter note, this is in the current issue of the Onion. Ha!

Putting Pressure On Iran

The White House is looking at deterring the Iranian nuclear program with new sanctions. What measures have been proposed?

  • Cutting off two-thirds of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's name any time he is mentioned in the press

  • Revoking the country's membership in the axis of evil

  • Ceasing production of monogrammed "U.S. & Iran: A Perfect Match" matchbooks

  • Miss America not including Iran on world tour

  • Jesse Jackson to be sent, without an interpreter, to negotiate

  • Copyrighting the phrase "The Great Satan" and suing Iran every time it is used to refer to U.S.

  • Putting restrictions on how much Iran is allowed to hate the U.S. at any given moment

  • Will stop selling them uranium

columbia, charlie rose, the onion, mahmoud ahmadinejad

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