[LYRICS] バグッバイ ( BuGoodbye )

Jul 14, 2010 20:07

Because despite the strange name, this song has amazing lyrics too *cries*

I apologize if I got some things wrong. I'm still just a beginner in Jap, and as usual it's so hard to put all the little nuances and stuff it's possible to have in three Japanese lines into something like a small stanza :(

バグッバイ ( BuGoodbye )

近すぎて見えない誰か 誤って「僕」と呼ぶ

Someone so close I can't see him

By mistake is called “ME”

Who is the real form of this voice?

遠すぎて見えてる誰か 誤って「神」と呼ぶ

Someone so far away I can see him

By mistake is called “GOD”

Is there a beauty mark on that face?

仕方なくもらった命 誤って「愛」と呼ぶ

This life I've had no other choice but to receive

By mistake is called “LOVE”

Though there is no problem if it's resolved that way

「どうせなら」と見つけた意味を 誤って「夢」と呼ぶ

The meaning I found, having searched

with a feeling of “I might as well”

By mistake I called a “DREAM”

Though really, it shouldn't have been


Before I was born, the thing I wished for was-

きっと惹かれ合って きっと恋に落ちるよ
it's so easy but um it's so crazy

I want to show the sunset

To morning which informs daybreak

They'll surely be captivated and attract each other

They'll surely fall in love

I want to show that summer

To that antique-looking winter

it's so easy but um it's so crazy

生まれてみればここが 全ての真ん中で

If you were born and could see, this place,

At the center of everything

It would be good if you could chase me away to your side

左と右の間 地上と空の間 昨日と明日の間 夢と現実の間

Between left and right

Between earth and sky

Between yesterday and tomorrow

Between dreams and reality

だから迷うんだ 行ったり来たりと

That's why I got lost, between coming and going

僕の逝く道の 上で立って待っててよね
「ほら こっちだよ」って 「コラ そっちじゃないよ」って

You stood in wait on the path I was on, right?

Saying, “Hey! Over here!”*

Saying, “Hey! Not over there!”

僕がいなくても 地球は回るのに
地球がいないと 僕は生きれない

Even if I'm not here, the earth goes round

If the earth's not here, I can't exist


I've lived as you have decided, so

せめてはじめての僕がいない朝に 何か降らせてほしい
it's so easy but just it's so crazy

At the least, on the first morning without me,

I'd like to make something fall**

it's so easy but just it's so crazy

僕のいた朝と 僕のいない朝は
どっか違っててほしい 少しだけでもいいから
僕が生まれてくる前と 僕が消えたあとと
なんか違って てほしい 世界は違っててほしい

Between the morning I existed and the morning I don't

I want somewhere to be different, just a little bit is okay

Before I was born and after I disappear

I want something to be different, I want the world to be different

そしてそれを「夢」としよう そしてそれを「愛」としよう
それを「神」様に願おう そんな人を「僕」と呼ぼう

And then make that a “DREAM”

And then make that “LOVE”

I'll pray for that from “GOD”

That that person will call “ME”***

* ほら is used as a beckoning call, whereas コラ is more of a reprimanding one

** fall as in 'the falling of rain/snow'
***can also be "that such a person will be called "ME"

Please feel free to correct me or suggest better translations or something :)


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