Back from semi-hiatus, but I still have too many characters to balance RP and real life, apparently. Dropping Dimo, and someone hit me with a rolled-up newspaper if I try to earn a seventh slot again.
Good god, I have so much shit to do and so little time to do it.
Going on semi-hiatus. Will tag a little here and there but not actively. Coming back when my academic life is not in complete disarray. At best, monday. At worst, two weeks or so. Affects TOE, Dimo, Kuzco, Aya, Itoshiki, Haruko, and Haruhi.
Starting tomorrow I am off to PAX, where I will not be posting on the internets. I may swing by in the early morning and late afternoon, though. In effect from now until Sunday evening, PST.
Affects T-O-E, Dimo, Kuzco, Hanataro, o!Haruhi, Nozomu, and Haruko.
Time for a probation check. If anyone is unclear on the rules, you can look here to see who is on probation and here for the basics on probation rules. Also note that these rules do NOT apply to characters on a hiatus, so if you know you'll disappear, post a hiatus in the comm.
Introducing a strong contender for the strongest speaking disability in Memento Eden: Dimo, the craftiest Jagerkin in Girl Genius! Not that that's saying much.
Hold onto your hats and friend add
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