Oh my god, you guys. What an incredible trip this project was. What project, you say? (Heh.) OK, so, our
spn_j2_bigbang posted earlier and I'm so happy I could burst. I have two posts set up for it - one for the artwork, and one for the playlist (which I couldn't recommend more highly, seriously) - but (1) they're only on LJ because the security/post-dating would have been a bitch to figure out otherwise, and (2) they shouldn't have shown up on anyone's friends/reading page, or anyone's alerts, etc. Ah, the difficulties of posting from two different continents ;) Anyway! All this to say that if you're on Dreamwidth, or you aren't tuned in to the big bang comm itself, or you're not in the Supernatural fandom, you probably didn't know this posted, so LET ME SPAM YOU TO DEATH NOW because I'm excited, yeah? Yeah, OK :D
Here's what I've got:
The Art Post Nothing too spoilery, SFW, includes resources and thanks and all that jazz.
The Fanmix Blues and folk and vocal music from the 1920's and 1930's + one unlisted Easter egg, modern track. Even if you don't care for any of the rest of this, I still hope you download the music. It was a pleasure learning about it.
Or you could just read the story, which is a historical, non-supernatural AU set in 1924 in San Francisco - and then later in Madera and beyond, into Yosemite - and it's fantastic and dark and interesting and gave me chills in really conflicting ways, which is my favorite kind of story to work with. Damn, this was an awesome time :)
read the story:
standing on the edge of nothing
@DW /
@LJ ~ Enjoy! ~
(cross-posted from
http://mementis.dreamwidth.org/71662.html -
comments @ DW -