Where I try new things

Nov 27, 2008 12:42

Well I am back in London, and having a much better time, even though my nose refuses to stop running. I am sleeping at night because there are no dsturbances and not really missing York. And I am sorry all that I didn't update yesterday, came home late and started gossiping with my Mum and time just flew by. I met up with some friends and we all went out to celebrate my birthday.

We went to a resteraunt called the Hare and the Tortoise in Russell Street.

It is a Japanese resteraunt and it was delicious! The portions were huge and the prices extremely reasonable (with starters, alcoholic drinks, a huge main course and desert it came to just under £10 per person). I hadn't seen these two friends in a very long time so it was huge fun catching up again (and I got really lovely presents!). But things have changed. It always used to be me who was snap happy with the camera but now it turns out that the both of them have jumpy fingers too. They caught me while I was blowing my nose!

Not the most flattering of pictures is it? At least my nails are nice and red.

And since we were in a new resteraunt, we decided to try some new things. We all ordered Japenese Plum Wine (which was delicious) and then for desert we tried traditional Japanese ice cream, in the flavours of Green Tea, Chestnut and Black Sesame Seed (actually they don't sound all that traditional do they?). And do you know which one tasted the best? The one that looked like charcol-the black sesame seed. It tasted like peanut butter. We all had very well mannered fights over that one!

But before I met up with them, I spent the day with my sister in her halls in South Kensington. It was so great seeing her again. Uni life has obviously affected her too and she has lost a lot of weight (drinking too much, dancing all night and eating far too less). But eventually she will go to the gym (so she has told me) and lose weight the proper way and it was fun going shopping with her since everything (except some McFlurry ice cream) was on her! It is really nice having a sister who is earning money :) And it is nice to see her so happy and settled with really nice friends who are, as I say very nice, but not the brightest bulbs on the shelf. One friend, who is also reading Medicine with my sister, thought procrastination was something to do with sex until she was 18 years old. She always used to wonder why people on Facebook wrote that they were procrastinating on their status, since people don't usually publically tell everyone else when they are having sex.

And on my internet travels today, I managed to find an excellent site which, when you type in the author you like, maps out all other authors who write in a related field to the one you like, so give you lots of recommendations! It is also slightly addictive and very fun to play with. But if you want to read something new then check it out!


Now I am off to read and comment!


EDIT: I just got of the phone after having a long conversation with one of my other friends who couldn't make it last night because she wasn't feeling too well and had a presentation to do today. I haven't spoken to her in so long! And Sabz, if you are reading this, may the force be with you when you do your presentation!

EDIT: Looking through fantasma_arto's journal I found this. It is Urban Dictionary and hilarious-try it out!! What you need to do is type in your anser to the below questions and post the FIRST definition it gives you. Well I did more!

Here it is!

1) Your name? Roshni

An amazingly awesome, talented, and cool girl.
Oh man, look at her, shes such a star. What a Roshni!
cool amazing wonderful awesome talented the best
by HEHheh Dec 28, 2005 share this 1 comment2.roshni  
roshni means sunlight
'the roshni is overpowering today'
by roshni Sep 16, 2005 share this add comment3.roshni  
the native word in india used for retardation and extreme cases of disease.
oh lord krishna! i have suffered a severe case of roshni and can not perform my nightly "activities"

HAHAAAA!! Especially No. 3!!!

2) Your age? 21

The age at which one is finally considered human.

by anonymous Aug 7, 2003 share this add comment2.21  
The magical age where it is legally ok to get incredibly drunk. At this time, a young adult spends most of his free time consuming vast amounts of alcohol in a variety of forms, saying that they're "making up for lost years."

by Fatass Feb 13, 2003 share this add comment3.21  
The magic number in the game of Blackjack.
Croupier: '21 - we have a winner'
CardShark: 'Pay me out my one-and-a-half, biatch'
Too bad that I have been drinking for a long time now-legal here at 18.

3) One of your friends? Karishma

A gorgeous model who's origins are on the sub-continent of India.

also see Sindhi Crawford
Dude, that girl is a Karishma for 3 reasons:

1) She's hot
2) She's diva
3) Gay men flock to her

HAHAAA!!!! She will LOVE that!!! Especially since she wishes all that stuff is true ;)

4) What should you be doing? Eating

eat ( P ) Pronunciation Key (t)
v. ate, (t) eat·en, (tn) eat·ing, eats
v. tr.
1. To take into the body by the mouth for digestion or absorption
2. Vulgar slang. To perform oral sex on
3. Informal. To bother or annoy
4. To destroy, ravage, or use up by or as if by ingesting

Most definitely No. 1

5) Favourite colour? Red

Flavor of kool-aid to a black person.
Mom: Ey hunnah! I'm hittin' up the local Safeway. Does yo bitch ass need anythin!?
Son: Yeah git me some kool-aid bitch!
Mom: What flava?!
Son: red!
by AuntieTATA Sep 17, 2005 share this 4 comments2.Red  
1) a communist
2) CCC tablet (Coricidin, OTC anti-tussive medicine)
1) "You reds!"
2) "He passed out on 48 reds (!)"
by pheel Jun 7, 2003 share this 1 comment3.Red  
1) One of the three primary colours of paint. When mixed with yellow, it would make orange. When mixed with blue, it would make purple. It is opposite green on the colour wheel.

2) One of the three primary colours of light. When mixed with green, it makes yellow. When mixed with blue, it makes magenta. It is opposite cyan on the colour wheel.
That is a nice shade of red.
Alrighty then.

6) Birthplace? London

The Capital of the world, only rival New York. Incorporates the best of both Europe and America. Unlike in New York the Tube stations are Clearly signposted. Unlike New York the streets are all squigley and it is really really old. South of the river Thames is a mythical land that those on the North talk about in nervous whispers, but it actually isn't that bad and is fast becoming the only place in the city besides cardboard boxes that is affordable to live in. Stand in the middle of the Millenium footbridge and turn around in a 360 degree circle. Go on the London eye. Don't visit the London Dungeons. Go shopping on portabello road, or in Camden, not in Covent Garden. Go to the opera in Regent's park, and to speaker's corner in Hyde park on a sunday afternoon. Trafalger Square in the evening, Leicester square at mid-day. Karl Marx and Charles Dickens are buried in Highgate cemetary. Ealing is queen of the suburbs.
All of life is there.
by k8 May 2, 2004 share this 2 comments   2.london  
The capital of England, but not the only city there. No americans seem to realise that not all english people are from london, and that we don't all eat crumpets and go on the hunt.
"Where are you from?"


"Oh my gawd, I love london"

"No, not London. Manchester."

"Oh my gawd, I love london"

"Err, no, I'm not from London but I am from england"

"Oh my gawd..." etc etc
by Naive Amoeba Mar 22, 2005 share this 3 comments3.London  
Hip ethnic enclaves infused with homosexuality, poverty, and royalty.
The world's most cosmopolitan city, where the pulse of Europe erupts.
Coolest subway system in the world!
Most comopolitan city in the universe!
Best city in the WORLD!!!!!!!!!

7) Month of your birthday? November
The most popular form of rain when getting married to a hot and sexy rockstar.
Its hard to hold a candle in the cold November Rain.
cold wet shiny sparkly auquatic
by Huggabunchable Aug 7, 2008 share this add comment2.November  
The month following October in which Americans celebrate Thanksgiving.
Boy: When is Thanksgiving, dad?
Dad: It's in November, son.
Boy: What month are we in now?
Dad: October.
Boy: So next month is Thanksgiving?
Dad: Correct.
month november thanksgiving american october
by mary-lo Aug 5, 2008 share this 1 comment3.November  
The best month of the year! Snow, getting ready for Christmas, celebrating thanksgiving & havin thanksgiving break!
November rocs my socs.
No. 3-Hell yeah!!

8) Last person you talked to? Sabah

The only state in Malaysia apart from maybe Sarawak where the majority are non-Muslim.

Has been oppressed for years by the Islamic Malaysian Government and is treated like a colony rather than an equal state. This is shown with the Malaysian Government taking 95% of the states revenue and pumping it into mainland West Malaysia. The only place where the Bumi Putras are actually really cool people. (non malay bumiputras e.g. Kadazan, Murut etc,

Currently being disputed as to wether Sabah's "Ownership should be reverted back to Philippines.
non Malaysian: yeah i went to Sabah and the people are really friendly there

West Malaysian: Sabah?... oh dey got lots of monkeys.. i nvere been there but.
racism malaysia sabah philippines bumiputra
by JerJer Chavez Nov 23, 2006 share this add comment2.sabah  
morning in turkish
iyi sabahlar : good morning
by melis Mar 29, 2005 share this add comment3.sabah  
Morning in arabic and turkish.
Sabah el-kheir = good morning ;-)
by Sinbadt May 19, 2005 share this add comment


9) One of your nicknames? Roshi moo

No definition. Well, it is one of a kind!

london, friends, food

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