Nov 25, 2008 18:31
I am in the train right now, and I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to read everyone's blog and comment on their entries and write my own much longer and more up-to-date entry. But I don't think that it going to happen. The train has free wi-fi connectivity but it is sooooo slow. It has taken me at least 10 minutes to get to this page so I can even start to write an entry! I don't have the patience to do anything else or even try to post any pictures because I know it won't work! I don't even think this will work, since when I click 'save entry' I'll inevitable loose patience and just exit the window beofre it can be posted on my blog.
But I am determined to at least try and write something down before I destrpy my computer (even though it isn't it's fault.) What has happened though is that someone very close to me tried to change the date on their ticket to get more travel out of it for no extra money and they got caught!!!! And no ontop of some other things she is threatening him with, he now has to pay £53.50 for a journey which cost me £10! Heheheheeee. Makes me feel good about paying since one of my friends was giving me a gard time for not pretending to be asleep when the ticket collector came.
Have just stopped off at a place called Redford. Never heard of it before and from the deadness of the station I can tell it is a lively place! I suppose that's not really fair, but I guess I am in that sort of mood. And when I am on a train, because I only have the one suitcase and it is far too large to have it with me, I need to store it in the luggage rack. But that makes me be a paranoid freak for the whole journey. I am constantly checking to make sure that it is still there, that no one steals it (why would they?) or magics it away to a far away land. I can't wait until this journey is over!
Now to go back to one of my favourite subjects-my lack of sleep. Recently because of my flu I have been taking Night Nurse before I go to bed and it has a sleeping drug in it so at least I know I will be having a good night's sleep. Yesterday my housemate's girlfriend came over, but it was about 10.30 and I had gone to bed at 10.00 (I know, early but I could barely keep my eyes open) so I didn't see her. And the drugs worked because I didn't wake up at all, but this moring from what I have found out from my other housemate is that they were extremely loud last night. From what he said I can only guess that it was loud sex noises or something like that, but he assumed that I had woken up and I didn't tell him the truth because if they are kicked out I will be happy. He thinks I am coming to London so I can get a good night's sleep and that is partly true, because I don't need Night Nurse any more :(
OK, I am now starting to feel slightly sick from the motion of the train, so don't know how much longer this entry will be. It is like turbulance on the ground. Not a nice feeling at all.
So I hope evryone is happy, not dizzy and more secure than I (just saw a programme where the train crashed-nopt good TV before a train journey.)