Where it's all about the websites

Nov 06, 2008 21:26

I am always looking for websites which offer useful and free/cheap advise on writing and how to get published and how to find an agent and basically anything to do with writing. So today on my travels I found this site:


It is actually more than a site helping wannabe authors. There are interviews with new authors who explain just how they managed to get published. There are a whole load of articles there so if any of you are interested in getting published, like I am, then check it out!

In other news there was another career fair today. Now I'm thinking of dipping my toe in the pool of law. I wanted to do law right from the beginning but never for the 'right' reasons. I was never moved by altruistic motives, I have always been attrcated to the money. But talking to the representatives from all these huge law firms today, they actually made the job sound exciting, rather than just the money. One lady, Sarah gave me so much advice and help that I love her! She was so helpful and because of her I am slightly less scared about the whole prospect of graduating and having to find a job. But mostly I am less daunted by the horrific application form.

They scare me. It's because of them that I haven't filled anything in yet. But maybe now I shall get my butt into gear.

Nothing else really happened to me. I managed to plough my way through a little more of 'Theory of Justice' by Rawls before I started day dreaming of random strangeness.

And as you all know I am addicted with Acid Black Cherry at the mo, I found this picture and I fell in live with him even more.

I really do love this picture. I think that is the type of gy I like. Ones who wear makeup. Now what does that say about me? Well I have never minded guys who are in touch with their feminine side. And there must be more than I realised because if there wasn't then there is no way that there would be guyliner or mandation. And apparently they are both very popular.


acid black cherry, jobs, writing, graduation, makeup on men

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