Where we all have a midnight feast

Oct 06, 2008 19:59

I have always had a problem with ear wax. Ever since I was a kid. It builds up and makes me next to deaf for a while. Then the Doctor gives me drops and I am good. Since getting older it has been getting a lot better. But yesterday night my ear started to vibrate in a rhythm and in time to music only it could hear. It actually woke me up. So I after a while became really freaked out and went into my Mum's room to wake her up.

She burst out laughing. And I couldn't contain myself either! It didn't help that it was past midnight and she had to be up in 6 hours. We came downstairs to find Dad watching 'Kate and Leopald'. Soon I forgot about me ear as we had a midnight feast while watching the movie. The three of us were very hyper by the time the film was over.

That was fun. I didn't actually think that I would ever do that at my age but I am actually glad that I did. It was a good night. Even if I barely got any sleep and spent most of the day today in a strange zombie-like state. It was totally worth it.

And for the rest of the day today I just wrote. And wrote some more. And it was the best.


food, writing

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