Where I am very, very lucky

Oct 05, 2008 18:24

Today a brand new programme started on the BBC called 'Big Cat LIVE'. A team of wildlife presenters have positioned themselves in the Masai Mara and are presenting and showing us the wildlife live from there. I love programmes like this, since I would give a lot to be able to see them in the wild and this is the next best thing.

I went on their website and I highly recommend it. They have 4 live webcams there and in one of them I just saw a lion roar live!! I repeat LIVE! It was so cool. This is the website, http://www.bbc.co.uk/bigcat/ and you all must check it out.

They just intorduced a new cheetah family and the female, Shakira gave birth to 5 cubs two months ago and thay are all still alive! I can't wait till I find a picture of them.

Sometimes I think I am very very lucky.

But not as lucky as one of the presenters who lives in the Masai Mara. Jackson calls the Mara his office. What a place to work.

But here is a sad fact. There are more animals help in captivity as pets for private owners in Texas than there are in the wild in the whole world. Sad isn't it? And scary. People with money are so stupid sometimes.

For all you Chuck and Blair fans (as I am) here is a really nice picture I found of the actors:

Tomorrow there is another episode-yay.

My sister is having a ball in Uni. Getting free food and dancing the night away. I don't know how she does it. I cannot. I need sleep. I have always needed sleep. Staying awake for too long makes me irritable and annoying and slightly hyper and foolish. It is better for all if I sleep long and good.

I don't think I was ever a teenager in the stereotypical way, just numerical. I am still waiting for my rebellion. I have got a whole number of piercings and I suppoe they count but my parents gave me permission for most of them and for the rest they didn't really care. When I told my Mum that I wanted a reaction she rolled her eyes and then promptly told me off while trying very hard not to laugh.

My quest for attention will continue!!


my sister, family, wildlife, tv, gossip girl

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