More Elephants

May 29, 2010 14:59

Yesterday friends rang and I answered their call. We went to 3 Elephant Parade locations.

This is Big Heart Open Mind in Green Park. And the one below is Fish and Chips

And this is Russel. Now he is most definitely a work of art

While this one is called Work of Art!

And outside the Royal Exchnage we found Taxi Elephant! On his stand there are solar pannels and at night his headlight eyes light up!

I have now seen a grand total of 84 (I think. It could be 86).

After that I went ot a meeting at The British Museum for a charity I volunteer with. I was the only person who turned up. It was supposed to start at 7.30. I had some lovely Marks and Spencer food and waited. And waited. the boos didn't turn up until ten minutes past eight. It was very annoying. But I did read a newspaper while I waited. By 10.30 I was thankfully home. As it was only me I was able to push the meeting along.

Today I am tired. I seem to go through cycles. Recently I have had glorious sleep - dark circles under my eyes look so much better. Now suddenly I am back to the zombie look I rock so well.

Live long and prosper!


friends, elephant parade, elephant

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