The epic weekend

May 24, 2010 17:11

You all know what I did on Friday. My last post was full of pictures. What I didn't mention was that i was up at 6.15 in the morning for my almost-usual one and a half hour walk. Or that I managed to get lost on the Northern line for at least an hour before I saw the light of day again.

Not that I minded. I had to keep telling myself that it was an urdan adventure otherwise I would have given myself a stress heart attack then and there. All it meant was that when I finally got home, I was exhausted. Completely shattered. But the next day I was up bright and early and on my way to london again.

I'll give you one guess as to why. It's to do with my current obsession. Yup, the Elephants. Saturday was Meet the Artists day and all I could think about was that artists, including LUCY FLEMING was going to be there to talk about their elephants. On the official website it said that they will all be there form 10 to 1. Since this was all on the Southbank I decided to reach a little early and say hello to all my London Eye friends.

Then I went down the Southbank to all the elephants. No artists there. I even went to each elephant and shouted the artists name and hoped someone would shout back 'that's me!' No one did. Of the 6 artists that were supposed to turn up, two did.

This is Arabella Sim with her artist Shanti Haathi (Peaceful Elephant in Hindi) and below is Diana Ralston with her elephant Brambles (or as she calls him, Brambles at Midnight).

Now don't get me wrong or think me ungrateful, meeting these two extraordinarily talented artists was incredible, but I had planned for a lot more. I was going to write about this for the Hub and I wanted a huge name like Lucy Fleming. But I did learn some interesting things, like the fact that Diana Ralston's cats hated Brambles and peed on his leg!!

So I had been walking up and down the Southback from 10 to 12.30. With only half an hour left I doubted anyone else would come, since Arabella Sim told me that at 1 all the artists were off to a party. So then I truged home.

Now, for that evening I had won tickets to go to the live filming of Over the Raindow! For anyone unfamiliar with the show, it's a talent search basically for the next West End star. In the past they have found Maria in Sound of Music, Joseph in Joseph's Technicolour Dream Coat and Nancy in Oliver. This one was for Dorothy in Wizard of Oz. At about three in the afternoon I called the studios to find out what time poeple usually start queuing. She replied that they had already been here for a few hours. Thankfully the studios are only 10 minutes from my house.

Now remember that on Saturday the temperature had reached about 25 degrees C. It was very, very hot. And there was no shade. My Mum wanted to come but I told her that I'll queue and she can come five minutes before the doors open. I then found out that if anyone is waiting in the queue for people they have to leave the queue and re-join when all of their party is here. Hurried phone call to the parental units and a lie to the event managers meant that I didn't have to leave the queue. As far as they were concerned, Mum was in McDonals having food.

So then we waited. Stood until 6.15 when doors opened. Then we waited some more for the live filming to begin, but at least now we were sitting. 3 ROWS FROM THE FRONT! Made the whole waiting in the sunshine for 2838548 hours a little better.

The live results show was an hour after the remaining Dorothys tried for the last time to win votes. And it was during this that I managed to sneak in some pictures.

The tension during the resluts show was incredible. And when the winner was being announced I was on the edge of my seat. I had a favourite and I wanted her to win. Her name was Danielle. And gues who won?! DANIELLE! As soon as her name was announced I was out of my seat cheering like a loony.

In this picture you can just see her by the balloons talking to another past Dorothy contestant in the green dress. Danielle is in the blue. If any of you have a moment then take a look at her performance of Mambo Italiano. It has to be one of the best live musical performances I have ever seen.

image Click to view

This girl is going to be a huge star.

So I was physically and emotionally exhausted by the time I got home. By the time I went to bed I was a zombie. Then came Sunday. And work aka HELL.

I work every Sunday in a library. We recently got three self service machines. They told me about it, but not my colleague. The two of us are in charge of the other two staff members. She was extremely insulted by this and handed in her notice. And then refused to do anything but shelve books for the rest of the day. My hands were actually shaking from exhaustion by the time I finally managed to get home. For the first time ever, I think I actually earnt my pay. I feel like asking for a raise. Who likes to work as hard as the money they earn? Not me.

So that was my epic weekend. What did I learn?
  • Wearing sleeves means you will get a tan line across your upper arm that you will have to hide for the whole summer because it is an actual line
  • People in a queue are constantly trying to get in front of you. It's not paranoia if the scarily overweight woman actually does it
  • Work colleagues can be very touchy
  • That my voice on a dictaphone sounds like nails on a chalkboard
  • And finally, work is not worth the heart attack I almost had.
Today as been wonderful. I have been sitting on a chair and not moving. Glorious.

Live long and prosper!


over the rainbow, art, fun, elephant parade, elephant, theatre

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