Sorry is NOT the hardest word

Mar 27, 2010 22:45

I think goodbye is the hardest word. Yesterday was my leaving do. Joint with N's leaving do and K and I's joint birthday celebration. All in the same place as the Eye's 10th birthday celebration. So there were a whole bunch of people, most of whom I wanted to see. (some most deff not. Older men like the way I look and there is one man who has taken a real shine to me. He patted me on the head last night. I had to fight the desire to stick my finger down my throat and throw up on him)

I always knew but I didn't realise till yesterday just how amazing the friends that I made are.

The guy in this picture is an Skillit and he is an up and coming musician. One day he is going to be HUGE. Already BBC2 have shown an interest and are filming him for a series on young musicians. His latest song 'I Love Women Part 2' is very, very funny and I couldn't recommend it more. WATCH IT. And if you like what you see and have Twitter, add him! He is @SKILLITMUSIC

image Click to view

And in the same vein. The guy in the middle is a very talented DJ with his own radio station called Flavour Radio. He is also on Twitter - @DJLockyStylez. The two of them are going to soar one day. I just hope I can hang on their coat tails and hang on for the ride.

Anyhoo back to the party!! It was a brilliant night that I am so glad I'll always have pictures to remember it.

And I have already made plans with a whole bunch of them to get together at some point in the future.

We survived the highs and the constant lows of The London Eye without killing a single tourist and that is a huge achievement for us all. We have our own little family thing going on and now that I am gone it feels strange. Like I have moved out.

But I have really and truly moved onto bigger and better things so all is good! And in that respect I'm meeting my new employer next week for the first time. So far I have been doing all of my work via the net and email so it'll be nice to put a face to the name.

And for all of you in London next week Tuesday, there is going to be a TWEET UP (wooohooo!) at Waterstones Picadilly where there will be free books, That's right FREE BOOKS. It's startes at 6.30 in the evening on the 5th floor, so if you're free come!! They got food and drinks too (all for free as far as I am aware!)

That I am really looking forward to, it's going to be brilliant. I am going to make sure that I take a large empty bag with me. Now that I have time I am going to go back to reading. Oh how I have missed it.

Live Long and Prosper!


fun, books. twitter, work

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