Hey hey!!

Oct 12, 2009 18:49


Firstly I want to tell you all that I don't think there are going to be any more Santorini diary updates- I really CANNOT be bothered with it all. I will however post some amazing pictures of our last few days.

Me, washed up on shore, like a whale. The tide was so strong and the sand quite hard (well, duh). But it wasn't painful then. Only after.

We then went plate smashing and that was brilliant. An actual excuse to break plates. Wooohooo

Right before we went to wine tasting. Picture taken by moi :D

Us at wine tasting. The wine was so delicious, especially one bottle. So much so that I bought two bottles of it.

Anyway a whole load of stuff has happened since then. It was a month yesterday from when we left.

My Grandfather is so much better and at home now. He is much eaker than before but he will get stronger with time, which is all that I care about frankly. I managed to extend my contract until January so while I look for a job I at leats am earning money. And it is not as if I don't enjoy working at the Eye. I really do. They take good care off us. There was a party the other week, a staff party on a 5* boat on the Thames. I had a fabulous time. Drank far too mmuch and laughed way too much. But I didn't do anything bad and I managed to make my way home in control of myself (by then I had had 3 glasses of water so was almost properly sober).

They had a candy floss machine and a sweet bar and a photo booth. I fell in love with that photo booth! I went in there so many times!

In this picture 6 of us tried to squeeze in there :D You can just see me in the background.

And in other news, I might be going to Kenya. I know. Completely out of the blue. My cousin is getting married on the beach there and my Dad decided yesterday that he would like us all to go. The wedding is in about 2 weeks.

My family is crazy.

Live long and prosper!


family, work

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