SANTORINI - 12.9.09 and 13.9.09

Oct 04, 2009 09:42

SANTORI*NI - 12.9.09

Today we finally did something tourist worthy - we went on a bus tour around the villages of Santorini, finishing off at Oia where we had dinner and saw the sunset.

Me, K and S outside a beautiful Church ( Panagia Episkapi) with a view to die for.

I had such a brilliant time, I love actually doing things on holiday :D After the Panagia Episkapi we went to Mesogania, Exsogania, Pyrgos, Imeriovigli and finally Santos Wines a world famous vinyard from where I bought alcoholic chocolate and, of course, a bottle of wine.

An old relic from before the epic volcano attack in 1956

The evening was spent in Oia where we enjoyed a really nice sunset even though it was cloudy and slightly windy.

It was so beautiful. The views from there were spectacular. We got home in a happy sort of mood and promptly fell asleep (at least I did!)

SANTORINI - 13.9.09

Today was another day when we acted like tourists. But this time we acted like the crazy toursist you see on holiday (and I loved it). We took a tour of Santorini in a day, and it was painful. But brilliant. K argued that by doing hat we did we were twats, but I disagreed. Let me start from the beginning.

First we went to Profit Ilias, an absolutely spectacular monestary on top of an equally spectacular mountain.

Profit Ilias. We weren't allowed inside which was a shame because I am sure that it would have been beautiful.

After that we went again to Pyrgos. But because we went to the labyrinth of a villiage yesterday (where the world famous Lions Club is located), we didn't bother to go again. Which was prudent. When the rest of our party came down out of the villiage, the tour guide told us that the easy part of the day was over.

Now for the hard work. We went to the port of Athincis, jumped on a boat and started to sail our way to the volcano.

Every day the sea was this absolutely beautiful colour

And then we climbed the volcano. In flip fliops. Oh yes. Flip flops.

I was wearing my swimming costume underneath and once I started to sweat everywhere (or feel the heat as it should be for women) I decided to take my top of. Thanfully I wasn't the only person doing this and I have to tell you that if you are ever going to find yourselves climbing a volcano in the middle of the day in complete and utter sunshine, doing it in a bikini makes it all a little better.

On top of the volcamo there was another rock and I had to climb that, just because it was there and I wasn't dead yet.

In this picture I think I resemble the Angel of the North. Not a good look.

It was stunning. The views from up there - made the whole climb easier.

The treck was about a kilometer up and when it was over I was extremely proud of myself.

Then there was a quick removal of hot pants and various bandages for a half an hour swim in the nearby hot springs where the waters can reach temperatures of 30-35 degrees Centigrade. The waters are said to be incredibly theraputic so hopfully all my various knee problems will vanish in the blink of an eye. (So far they haven't).

From the boat the sea was about a 7 foot drop, which I jumped with a huge smile on my face. But this was the first time in a very, very long time that I have swum in open water with no bottom and no sides. I found that i lost my breath really quickly, since I am much calmer in a swimming pool, but it was an unforgettable experience.

K on the other hand, had a full blown panic attack as soon as she realised that her feet didn't touch the bottom. I didn't know about any of this until I came back. But by then her heart rate had calmed back down to normal, which was good.

I had to change yet again - this time put on some underwear. And let me tell you that I have never put on underwear like that before in my life. At one point I just couldn't care less if people saw me naked or not. But S and K did. Thankfully.

We then made our way to Thirassia, by boat again as it was another port town.

Lunch at Tharissia. Oily but delicious!

After lunch we contemplated climbing up the cliff but quickly changed our minds (me less quickly than the others). We instead lazed, eating ice cream and waited for the boat to leave again for Oia.

It has been such a long time since I have eaten so much icre cream.

And on the way to Oia the mind controlling fun began.

For the whole trip we were with an Australian pair of lovely guys (I bet you can guess where this story is going). I obviously fancied one of them (even though without my glasses all I saw was a vauge shape). On the trip to Oia I managed to get prime seats with an clear, unobstructed view.

A zoomed, close up of him. Yummy.

After staring at him for a while, I wanted more. He needed to lok at me. So under my breath I counted down from 5 and then told him to look at me. He did. Thinking it was a fluke, I said it again.

He looked at me again!!

By now K and S were in stitches, especially when I called him pansy boy (and still he looked). Then I stepped up the game and told him to look at me and smile. AND HE DID.

I am incredible. Amazing. Outstanding.

Anyway, we reached Oia at its lowest point, the harbour. Then we realised that we had to climb all the way up. ALL THE WAY UP. 280 steep steps up a cliff. And these steps weren't the normal kind, oh no. Each one was on an incline and each one was at least a foot big.

We were overtaken by donkeys twice going up and once going down.

We had the option of taking donkeys but I was going to climb up this cliff even if it killed me. And it almost did.

The other two finished about 30 minutes after me. By that time I was normal and while the two of them recovered I went to get some water (temper's were short and I wanted to escape before I said something that I regretted). In the shop I got hit on, and since I looked tired and dirty, probably smelled, was wearing a torn, stained t-shirt, I didn't mind all that much. In fact it made me smile.

Once everyone's heart rate had returned to normal we did some shoppping (at least I did). I found a beautiful Muse doll for my sister. Dressed in red - perfect.

Then we waited for the sunset - the whole point of the cliff trek. And it was worth it.

Live long and prosper!



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