pictures, pictures

Aug 31, 2009 14:02


I know Ramadan started a few days ago, but I have been so busy that this is the first time I have been able to wish all of you out there who are following Ramadan the best of luck!

In my life things have been going crazy. In terms of what happens to me in a daily basis they have anyway. On friday last week we had our family reunion on the female side. 23 of us turned up at a restaurant.

That is a picture of all of us, except for me since I was taking the photo. (Way off into the distance you can see my Ma and Sis). After the dinner Ma invited everyone to come over to our place, where she made an Indian sweet dish. I have never seen so many people in my kitchen before. But it was an excellent night. I met a few new members of the family who are soon to marry in and met some sisters-in-law that I hadn't seen for years.

And then for some reason, the conversation turned to boobs and below is a picture of my sister checking my cousin's bra size. It was one surreal night, let me tell you.

And while I was lookign through a cousin's registry photos, I found this one, which is the whole of my immediate family, more or less (some came late and missed the photo op). But I love this picture - we are all dressed up and looking fabulous and happy.

And then the day before yesterday work colleagues and I went to a pub in Waterloo (very near work) to relax a little (seeing as we never do that at work. What a liar I am). I am not a huge pub person, since I never drink as much as other people and I find the prises out of my price range. But I had a fabulous time. Mainly because a friend owed me money and she decided to buy me a drink. That one drink turned into a jug that she bought, out of which I had 4 galsses. But don't judge me too harshly, it was Pimms and Pimms is the best drink in the world.

The whole world.

And it has fruit in it, so it's not all that bad!

The fifth memeber of this little gathering took this picture of the four of us. I love it, but I do wish that it was lighter because I can't see all that much. Tonight the whole of the London Eye is going out, since this is the last day of the Seasonal staff. I would be one of those people but I managed to get my contract extended.

Now this extension of the contract is a two pronged fork. On one prong, it is bloody brilliant, since I love the money and the people i work with and I am not ready to say bye to them right now.

But on the other prong, my stalker thinks I am leaving (because that is what I told him), and the newest turd who likes me won't get the message that I don't like me. Yesterday for some reason he put his money bag in the ice cream freezer. When he got it out he tied it around his waist and the pushed himself against me, telling me to feel how cold it is. He did this after he snuck up on me. Then he old me that it was great that the money bag was low down, because otherwise something else would get cold.

I died a little when he told me that. If he asks for my number, I might bludgen him o death. And then stamp on the remains.

But he is coming out tonight, since there was no way he could not find out about it. If he talks to me I will just walk away, I really will.

And that is about it for the catch up dpartment, except for the best, most expensive news I have,

1. I bought the eReader. Until I get it, I think I will regret it.
2. Friends and I booked the holiday to Greece!!!


Live long and prosper!


friends, family, work

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