Curly hair!

Aug 27, 2009 22:42

I did it. After years of straightening or tying it up, I went outside with curly, free hair. We went to Westminster Abbey and then Bond Street for some shopping.

That's one of them. We were at the train station at this moment, having fun telling one of the boys I work with that the Girl in Yellow thought that he was gay. And hitting on one of the other boys that I work with.

I really like this picture. We found our way into the gardens of the Abbey and a beautiful fountain. Me and Girl in Yellow are together. The other two have no idea who the other is. Look how far away they are from each other! And then there is a strange woman in the background, who none of us are with. Or even know.

I like my hair in this picture. It doesn't look so wild and uncontrolled does it? Even though the wild look is starting to grow on me a lot. As the hair dresser said, I look like a lion!

That is it for today. I am going to go to bed so that I can wake for my 9 to 5 shift tomorrow. And tomorrow night all family is getting together for dinner! And by all, I mean ALL.

Live long and prosper!



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