The Crime Meme

Nov 01, 2011 09:10


Humanity isn't always that great. People steal and lie and cheat, do drugs and kill each other. Maybe you're one of them. Maybe you have dedicated your life to protecting people. Maybe you just woke up to a weird noise in the kitchen.

How to play:

Step 1: Post your character with name/fandom/preferences. Specify if you think your character is more prone to be the bad guy, the innocent victim, the accomplice, or the cop (etc.). Also note if there are some you simply aren't willing to play, as there is potential for these to get dark.
Step 2: Wait for someone to tag. Or go tag someone else.
Step 3: One of you use RNG to choose a scenario, or choose one that strikes your fancy. If necessary, sort out who's the robber/murderer/cop/bad guy/guy with a gunshot wound, etc.
Step 4: Play and have fun with it.

Important note: Please respect if people become uncomfortable with a scenario, as these may be triggering prompts. Communicate limits, if necessary.

1. You're a bank robber. Do you have a crew? What's the plan? Are you guys professionals or is this your first time? If your character isn't the sort to rob a bank, you're now a hostage in a bank robbery. Why were you at the bank in the first place? Are you going to try and be a hero or get out alive?

2. It's a drug deal gone wrong. Or hell, maybe it's gone right and you're getting high as kites back at HQ. Maybe you're an employee at a coffee shop and open the latest shipment of coffee beans only to find baggies of surprises.

3. You're gonna get mugged. Alternately, you're prowling to mug someone. Is it a purse snatching/money related theft? Is it more personal?

4. It's a break-in in progress. If you're the thief, do you have a gun? What are you trying to steal and where are you? A house? A museum? The Pentagon? The other character is your partner in crime. Alternately, the other character is a resident or employee of the place you're breaking into, and they confront you.

5. One of you has just been shot. Was it an accident? The person with you either has just shot you and won't help, or is a friend here to try and help. Do you go to the hospital? Are you on the run and can't risk it? Maybe they can patch you up.

6. You're a very bad person and have a secret. The character who tags back is sniffing way too close and you have to put a stop to it, no matter what. What's the secret? What's going to happen if they find out? How far are you willing to go to keep your secrets safe?

7. You've planned the perfect murder. There's no way they'll ever find the body, let alone trace it back to you. Is the other character your victim? A police officer who's on your trail? Your accomplice?

8. There's a bomb in the building. Maybe you're one of the good guys trying to get the situation under control. Maybe you have it strapped to your chest and have a list of demands. Maybe you have no idea what's going on and you bump into the other character, friend or foe, and shenanigans ensue.

9. You're a criminal, but clearly not the best, because you're in prison. Prison sucks, so you're going to break out. Is the other character a fellow inmate? A guard? A contact on the outside?

10. You're a police officer or detective of some sort. Or you fancy yourself smarter than the cops and are sniffing out the truth. You're involved in any of the above scenarios, or on the trail of some other bad guy I haven't mentioned. Is the other character tagging with you your partner or the person you're after?

11. Choose your own.

love-affection, rated: nc17, shipping-romance, crack-humor, warning: possible triggers, dark-horror, rated: r, action, smut

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