245. we all settle as something, whether we can see it or not...

Oct 07, 2011 00:20

The Dæmons AU Meme

What's the deal?

In the universe of The Golden Compass and the His Dark Materials trilogy, every person has a creature called a dæmon that accompanies them all their lives, and is emotionally and metaphysically a part of them. Dæmons are often described as sort of external souls (while the part of the personality in a human's body is the spirit).

Basic Dæmon Facts:

- they take the shape of animals
- they can talk, no matter what their shape
- children's dæmons can change form at will; around puberty they 'settle' and become one animal permanently
- neither the person or the dæmon chooses the final settled form, but it always reflects their personality (although not necessarily in obvious or simple ways)
- they are almost always the opposite sex as their human
- if a dæmon feels pain, so will their person, and vice versa
- being physically apart from one's dæmon causes horrible emotional and physical pain
- Dæmons frequently talk to and touch each other, in ways that reflect or complement their persons' interactions, but dæmons talking to humans other than their own is considered strange, and touching humans not their own is extremely taboo; it generally occurs only between long-time lovers. Touching someone else's dæmon without permission is a terrible violation.

How it works:

Just design a dæmon for your muse and put as little or as much information as you like about them (shape, name, link to a picture or species wiki if you are so inclined) in a comment, with your muses's name and series in the subject. Check out other people's dæmons and let your dæmons interact too.

You can take the dæmon test on behalf of your character to help you brainstorm animals that might fit, or you can just pick one that makes sense to you! Keep in mind that non-human characters or characters from non-earth worlds might have very different dæmons or, if they don't have souls in the human sense, none at all. Feel free to be creative, and have fun!

More info on dæmons in the original books can be found here.

rated: pg, rated: pg13

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