Okay, so there's like a million billion sexy time memes. So let's not be sexy. Sexy is good but sometimes it's fun to have fluff and humor.
We need some motherfucking tea here up in this bitch.
1) Decide you are the drinker or server before you post.
2) Name, Fandom, Preferences, and if you're drinking or servering.
4) Go tag. Go to random. Do we
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So she'll forgive the butler suddenly Appearing at her elbow with a cup of mint tea, holding it delicately by the rim with a slight tilt of his head. She'll be used to that sort of thing, though, won't she?
It's considered Poor Form to point it out, but the two youngest butlers were still much more alike than either of them cared to admit.
She takes the cup, taking a small sip and wondering what it is about Deck butlers that makes their tea-making skill so above those of any of the outsiders.
Diamonds tend to come with a preconception of him. It's hard not to be sharp and match that.
"Certainly no trouble. One does hope you'll enjoy it."
His brow arches just a touch, head cracking another ratcheted angle to the side. "Beg pardon assuming you had been properly made accustomed to taking tea, Miss."
Although maybe Isaac was just That Bad at forcing his Diamonds to take tea. Probably.
He'll simply File it, of course, throw it in The Other's face the next time their paths happen to cross. Or... maybe not. Maybe he'll keep working on that 'being friends' thing Sean is so insistent he attempt.
...but probably yes.
"Shall I assume that will be all, then, Miss?"
He was awfully stuck up. Stuck up and far above himself for a mere butler.
"One does appreciate that you've come here as our guest, Miss Two." There's usually no bile in the way he states rank; it's a More Proper form of address in his mind. Today? It's absolutely meant to be Sharp. "But you'll do well to remember that we do practice the common art of civility within these walls."
Because, you know. Someone less Polite than he might take Issue with her Tone.
"I'm quite capable of managing civility, Sir Five, much more so than some of the members of your Suit."
Civility is a slippery thing with the Spades. Really, what has his mask cracking toward its Professional Smile--back with just a touch of Genuine Amusement--is the knowledge that Most of His Suit is less Polite than he is about mouthy Diamonds.
"One hopes you'll demonstrate that civility better with others."
Because, really. Weren't butlers supposed to be seen, not heard?
"Certainly so, Miss Two."
Higher rank or not, he wasn't her Suit and he wasn't her concern.
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