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Comments 1188

Aisling O'Connor || OC theirishashley December 11 2011, 06:18:13 UTC

Samantha Murphy | OC | men please tehsmurphette December 11 2011, 06:21:30 UTC
...he's gonna be wringing his head V.V; theresnoasia December 11 2011, 15:10:31 UTC
[at least there won't be any 'what the actual fuck?' moments when they wake up at first. They're both with exactly who they want to be with. But does this extend to matrimony?]


hahaha omg i love you. tehsmurphette December 11 2011, 15:20:58 UTC
[Sami's still blissfully unaware. She's still sleeping, or at least still trying to sleep, avoiding the inevitable hangover. Alcohol makes her sorta cuddly, so Sam has his woman all over him right about now. A diamond sparkles on her left hand, and a white, silky nightgown is hugging her curves, shifting on her body as she stretches. She clings to Sam, as though that will keep her head from pounding. Good luck with that, Sami.] Nn-


yessss love me MOAR >D theresnoasia December 12 2011, 13:13:11 UTC
Shh... [his fingers curl against her neck, tangled in her hair as he murmurs assuringly] I'm here.. it's just a hangover, baby. [well.. at least you had the good sense to get a nice ring, Sam.

Oh, fuck -- this was just - Not the time for his body to stir becasue his woman was draped over him, Sami! Stop that adorable, post-drunken night cuddling you started... he has to think!] Uh... don't mean to rush you. But we really should... get up.


Eric Lane |OC surprisedad December 11 2011, 06:26:10 UTC
aged up, obviously ;P rory_flanagan December 11 2011, 22:30:30 UTC
[Waking up was the worst decision he ever made in his life, the lights were too bright, even through the closed curtains, and his head felt like someone was hitting it with a hammer. What the hell had happened?

Rory rolled over, groping for the telephone, thinking that some hot tea from room service, a couple of aspirin, and a hot shower would make everything fine. But he wasn't alone in the bed.]



surprisedad December 13 2011, 00:04:31 UTC
[And that's exactly why Eric wasn't awake just yet. Everything was nice in dream land. Now if only whatever was moving next to him would just stop moving around]

Too early. [Nope, he's not going to be easy to wake up]


rory_flanagan December 13 2011, 02:14:00 UTC
[Rory looked over the boy next to him. He looked familiar...but not really. Bloody hell, what had happened? He'd come for his 21st birthday party with old friends, and woke up next to a complete stranger. Brilliant. He was a cliché.]

Look, um, I know it's early, but I have no idea who you are, or where I am, I am not sure this is my hotel or not, and I don't know where my friends are...

[He was gesturing, and it was then he noticed the little gold band around his ring finger on his left hand] Oh...fuck...

[He grabbed the stranger's hand, matching ring] Oh, FUCK!


Rapunzel | Tangled | F/M andiwhipmyhair December 11 2011, 06:26:57 UTC
constantblaze December 11 2011, 19:04:22 UTC

[He tries to sit up, and falls back, clutching his head]


Who the hell are you?


The Master | Doctor Who taptap_taptap December 11 2011, 06:27:02 UTC
Re: riverborntorun December 11 2011, 07:15:53 UTC
[Considering a certain Timelord proposed in another meme, River is totally blaming this on you, buddy. When she's, you know, awake. Right now she'll just lay in entwined in the sheets and half-hugging a pillow]


taptap_taptap December 11 2011, 17:44:06 UTC
[Yeah well, you could blame him if, y'know, he knew.

Anyway, the Master's awake. Awake and annoyed. Currently, he just has his grey slacks on and is intently studying the sleeping River Song, thinking exactly what to do. He settles for pushing her off the bed with his bare foot.

Which he does.]


riverborntorun December 12 2011, 02:51:39 UTC
[The noise that escapes River's mouth as she falls to the floor in a heap is quite hard to render textually, but it's something like] FLLNAGH!

[She pokes her head up, her hair more unruly than usual] What the bloody hell was THAT for?!


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