426: What's it good for?

Nov 20, 2011 03:06

Away at War/Battle MemeWe all know war can be a hard time for everyone but those left behind? It can be torture. Hoping you get a letter or a call, staying glued to the television and cringing at those news stories. Guess what happens to you now? Your loved one has gone off to fight a war (battle, fight, in that ilk of things) and some time has ( Read more... )

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Comments 1240

Rose Tyler | Doctor Who | Open | Either, but probably Left Behind huffpuffblonde November 20 2011, 11:08:54 UTC
(Baw, this meme. Such a good idea.)


three... poor Rose! captoftardis November 20 2011, 15:02:57 UTC
[The Doctor thought the Time War was bad enough and carried enough guilt from it to last all his lifetimes. Of course the Daleks had to outdo themselves again, teaming up with races he never even heard of or thought extinct, and nearly destroyed everything as he knew it in their fit of rage and lack of thinking through their plans. Earth might've been tickled pink or confused at all the frequent meteor showers seen for the past few years, but only a few knew what was really happening.

One person being Rose, whom he left in the middle of the night leaving only a note stating, 'Forgive me, but this is one trip I must do alone.' Off he went only to suddenly reappear one night 2.5 years later, looking a bit weary and hard, but still the same Doctor.]

Hello, Rose.


Poor Doctor D: huffpuffblonde November 20 2011, 23:30:26 UTC
[Oh, she'd been angry. She'd been so angry, and so sad. And she waited with that note for five and a half hours, five and a half days, five and a half weeks, five and a half months. But he didn't come back. He couldn't've died, though- he couldn't have. He was the Doctor, and the thought of him dying...

And she opened her door, and there he was. Stiff and distant, wary, something about him looked... tired.

But it was him, and for a moment she forgot to be angry. She crossed the space between them, and moved to wrap her arms around him without saying a word.]


captoftardis November 21 2011, 00:00:35 UTC
[He was surprised by the contact, at first not moving and he had to tell himself 'Stupid git, this is a hug! She hasn't seen you in ages!'. Slowly he wrapped his arms around her and pressed his cheek to the side of her head.]

You were the last person to hug me and now the first in almost 3 years... It's nice.


Samantha Flack // CSI:NY sammy November 20 2011, 11:13:57 UTC
Left Behind. She'd be a crappy soldier. XD


07. Temporary blindness. bethefaceless November 20 2011, 11:44:20 UTC
Steve hasn't thought he'd be found but when he heard the voices he was glad. Until he realized he was having trouble seeing. They operated on his eyes and he was expected to regain his sight. Though there was a chance he wouldn't.


sammy November 20 2011, 11:56:37 UTC
She hadn't seen him for months but when she finally got the call, she was by his side as quick as she could get there, Sam walking to his room and sitting down his the seat beside his bed. "Steve..." she said quietly, taking his hand in hers.


bethefaceless November 20 2011, 12:00:17 UTC
His eyes were bandaged and he went to sit up as soon as he heard her voice. "Sam?"


arthur / inception specificite November 20 2011, 11:17:35 UTC
[ getting to tags later tonight. ]


3? But I can imagine it would be both of them with PTSD. specificite November 20 2011, 17:14:06 UTC
[Eames can't sleep, but he hasn't slept properly in months. Not with dream sharing and it's effects, not with being shipped right back to Afghanistan, into the mess. He's back at the PASIV center again, after three months of open fire and what felt like world war I fought in the desert. This wasn't much better, but at least he loves his job and can have some peace and quiet without fear of being bombed in his sleep.

Though the peace and quiet is foreign enough now, keeping him up.]


I have no idea why that was anon. What even. perfectforgery November 20 2011, 17:14:54 UTC
[Eames can't sleep, but he hasn't slept properly in months. Not with dream sharing and it's effects, not with being shipped right back to Afghanistan, into the mess. He's back at the PASIV center again, after three months of open fire and what felt like world war I fought in the desert. This wasn't much better, but at least he loves his job and can have some peace and quiet without fear of being bombed in his sleep.

Though the peace and quiet is foreign enough now, keeping him up.]


both of them with ptsd sounds good :3 /punts lj specificite November 21 2011, 14:34:47 UTC
[ The invisible battle scars, the mental ones, are sometimes worse than the physical ones.

It feels odd, no longer passing out from sheer exhaustion, uncertain of whether or not you'd live to see the sun rise the following morning. Arthur never had trouble with insomnia prior to this, and while he still manages to slip into unconsciousness after tossing and turning for hours, alert and on edge and trying to ease himself into relaxing, it's never a peaceful sleep nor very long-lasting.

He knows Eames suffers the same problem, and isn't surprised to find him, after jolting awake again barely an hour after falling asleep, out of bed as well. ]

Feeling restless?


Karina Lyle/Blue Rose | Tiger & Bunny | Open to both options, though no smut plz! idolofice November 20 2011, 11:20:55 UTC

Kotetsu T. Kaburagi/Wild Tiger | Tiger & Bunny | OTA, but no smut please adorkabletiger November 20 2011, 11:22:17 UTC

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